Chapter 42

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Jessica's P.O.V.

2 weeks later

"Jess please talk to us" I herd the sound of Maggie's voice say through the other end of the door

"Go away" I said before closing my eyes

"You can't ignore us for long" Kendall said

"Well what have I been doing the past couple of weeks" I said

"Can you please just talk to us" Kendall said. I sighed before standing up walking to the door before opening it seeing the girls

I walked back to my bed before laying down

"Oh god what died in here" Chantel said

"My heart" I said before pulling the blankets over me

"Ok well first of all you need to shower and second of all you need a little sunshine" Bella said before opening the curtains

"What do you guys want" I asked

"To take you out instead of you staying cooped up in here all day" Kendall said

"Well I don't wanna go anywhere" I said

"Yes you do get up and get cleaned up" Kendall said before pulling me out of the bed. I walked into the bathroom before getting some what cleaned up

I threw on a oversized baby blue sweatshirt with some leggings and vans before putting my hair into a bun.

I walked out grabbing my phone for the first time in 2 weeks before looking at the girls

"You look cute" Kendall smiled

"Don't flatter yourself" I said before we walked downstairs to see mom walking out the kitchen before she looked at me and smiled

"Where are you ladies off to" mom asked

"To go eat" Kendall smiled

"Alright have fun" Mom smiled. We walked outside before getting into he car taking off.

Once we arrived in front of the urth cafe we got out the car before walking

"Oh I forgot to mention the guys are with us" Gigi said

"Yeah I'm out of here" I said turning around when Chantal grabbed my hand

"It'll be ok they miss you and are worried about you" Chantel said. I sighed before turning around as we walked inside over to the table

"Hey guys" Kendall smiled. I kept a hesitant look at everyone before pulling out a chair sitting next to Bella and Chantal

"So how have you been Hess" I herd Johnson said as I tested my head in my hand

"Fine"I said when everyone started ordering. I felt a gaze at me making me look up locking eyes with Jack for a split second before I looked away

"Jess you want anything" Lucas asked

"No I'm fine" I said

"Are you sure your mom said you've been throwing up everything you've been eating" Chantel whispered

"Yeah. I'm. Fine" I studdered before fiddling with the paper towel

"So have you guys herd the news about Victoria" Lucas said making me stiffen

"No what" Brandon said

"She's pregnant" Lucas said as I hoped and prayed he won't say what I think he's about to say

"And she said that the daddy is Jack" Lucas said when the whole table got quiet. I stood up holding back my tears before walking out the Cafe

Kendalls P.O.V.

So have you guys herd the news about Victoria" Lucas said making us look at him

"No what" Brandon said making me look at him with a 'really' look as he shrugged

"She's pregnant" Lucas said before we looked at Jessica who kept her head down

"And she said that the daddy is Jack" Lucas said when the whole table got quiet. Jessica stood up before walking out the Cafe

"Way to go you idiot" Chantel said

"What" Lucas said "I thought you guys would wanna know how she got knocked up then pregnant by Jack" Lucas shrugged

"You know I'm sitting right here right" Jack spat

"Yeah but don't get mad cause you fucked up something you obviously couldn't handle" Lucas said

"You know what" Jack said slamming his hands on the table before giving Lucas a look of hate . If only looks could kill.

"Ok guys can you stop it you guys are acting like complete babies" Chantel said standing up

"So what if Victoria's pregnant if anything it could be anyone's baby. And fist of all Lucas stop being a jerk you did that on purpose. And second stop blamkng it on Jack when clearly you don't wanna hear the truth so don't duck with it" She said before walking out .

Me and the girls stood up before walking out to see Jessica in the grass curled up crying

"Jess" We yelled before running over to her sitting next to her

"Hess what's wrong you've been acting strange lately" Chantel asked as she cried out in pain making my heart break

"I don't think I can do- do this anymore" She cried

"Jess what happened" I asked

"I- I'm- Pregnant- To" She cried out. We looked at each other with a sad look before giving her a hug.


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