Chapter 34

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Jessicas P.O.V.

I was woken up this morning feeling light kisses being placed on my neck making me smile before turning around

"Good morning baby girl" Jack smiled making me smile

"Good morning" I smiled enjoying being in his embrace.


"I'll see you later" Jack smiled as i walked him to the front door

"See you later" I smiled before pecking his lips pulling away as he walked to his car. I walked back upstairs before getting ready for today

(Outfit up top ^^)

I walked out my bathroom grabbing my phone before walking downstairs into the kitchen to see Justin and Hailey making out making me close my eyes

"There's a child in the room" I said making them pull away

"Herd off knocking" Justin said

"Herd of take it to your bedroom" I said before pushing him out my way before opening the fridge grabbing me a water

"Where are you going" Justin asked

"To the carnival with the girls and guys" I said "See yuh" I said before leaving to Kendalls.


Once i arrived at kendalls house i got out the car before walking inside seeing kim walk downstairs

"Hey Jess" She smiled before giving me a hug "How've you been" Kim smiled before pulling away

"I've been good" I smiled

"If you're looking for Kendall she's upstairs" Kim smiled as i nodded before she walked away. I walked upstairs into Kendalls room to see her dancing.

I laughed to myself before dancing along when she turned around and jumped making me laugh

"How long have you been standing there" She said hilding her hand against her heart

"Sense" I said before copying her dance moves making her laugh hitting me with a pillow

"So you ready to go" I smiled sitting down

"Yeah" She smiled looking up from her phone

"What you smiling about" I smiled as she sat next to me

"Just Harry and his sweetness" She smiled

"You guys are so cute you're like goals" I smiled holding a pillow up against me

"We're goals ? You and Jack are goals" She smiled

"No you and Harry are goals. I thinks its adorable how he's so protectice over you and how he treats you like a queen" I gushed making her laugh

"But do see how Jack stares at you like you're the only girl in the room. And how he treats you like a queen. Trust mr you got that boy whipped" She laughed maming me laugh

"I do not" I laughed shaking my head "And enough talking about my relationship and lets get to your prince charming" I smiled before standing up pulling her out the bedroom

"Oh by the say you're driving" I said before running outside without giving her time to respond.

Kendall walked outside before lokking at me laughing shaking her head

"Sometimes i don't know what to do with you" Kendall laughed shaking her head making me laugh

"But you love me" I said flipping my hair maming her laugh before pulling off.


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