Chapter 48

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"If you'll be my moon I'll be your light'

Jessica's P.O.V.

I looked over seeing Jack with a gift in his hand. I sighed before turning around

"What do you want Jack" I asked looking upon the lake

"To talk to you" I heard him say

"Talk about what" I asked standing up before looking at him

"Us" He said staring at me with an unreadable look

"Well you made that there was no us pretty clear the day you left" I said walking away when Jack grabbed my hand

"I'm sorry jess" Jack said before I turned around staring up at him

"Well sorry doesn't fix everything" I said pulling my arm away from him "You think that I'm just gonna sit and wait for you to make up your mind for what you want well I'm not. I wait up worried if you'd make it home every night. Then when you leave I wait till you come back and I'm tired of it" I confessed

"Well what do you want me to do it's not that easy for me if I get out I'll die. I told you there's no out for me or anybody once your in. And I'm sorry jess I try so hard to be the percent boyfriend you need-" Jack said but I cut him off

"And that's the thing I don't want you to be perfect for me. I want you to be just the way you are" I said standing in front of him

"I wanted to give you this on our one two year anniversary but I want to give this to you now" Jack said before opening the box in his hand

"Its a promise ring. I know I've broken a few promises but I'm not percent nor will I ever be but am I want to be is everything you need and all you need. I promise with this ring to not lie not cheat or hurt you but to be honest and trust you. But what I promise most of all is to always be there and put you before anybody in this world. Because I love you and I'll always will" Jack said before taking out a small heart shaped ring.

I looked at him in awe before drying the tears that were coming out my eyes

"Will you except my promise" Jack asked. I looked at him and nodded before he smiled sliding the ring on my finger before I gave him a hug

"I love you so much" I said

"I love you more. More than you'll ever know" Jack mumbled.


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