Fool for Loving

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What about promises made? Oh I'm out of my mind.


I felt overwhelmed.

I could feel my tears pouring down my face as I stared at the screen of my phone. I tapped the screen quickly, typing in each letter carefully as I bit my lip to stop it from trembling.

I watched as "finnwolfhardofficial" showed up as a blank page on Instagram for the third time.

"Millie you have a fitting-"

I looked up as my mother walked into my room, her eyes softened a bit as she saw my face and I could feel a little bit of hope grow inside my chest at the thought of her actually caring.

"What's wrong?" She asked quietly.

I sniffled and turned the screen of my phone towards her, "He blocked me."

She grabbed my phone and sighed as she looked at it.

"And now he's dating Sadie," I cried next, my chest hurting at the thought of him being with anyone else. I guess this is how he felt with Jacob.

My mother nodded and then stuck the phone in her pocket, making my eyebrows furrow.

"It's time you get off of your phone and start taking your job more serious. This boy is making you a mess and that is not acceptable."

I swallowed roughly, anger growing immediately as she spoke. Before I could really comprehend what was happening I was out of the bed taking my phone away straight out of her pocket.

"Would it kill you to care for one second!? To act like a mother for once!?" I yelled angrily as I threw my arms up.

She raised her eyebrows in disbelief but didn't say anything as I stormed out of the room. I wasn't dealing with her anymore.

Twenty minutes later and I had ended up at some fancy hotel. Luckily I had managed to avoid any altercations with the paparazzi and now I was walking up to the front desk with my hood pulled up.

"Good morning! How may I help you today?"

I cringed at how cheery the voice sounded and looked up to peak at the blonde girl who looked young.

"Uh, I just need a room for a night for now please," I said as I tried to keep her from seeing my full face. I didn't need anyone recognizing me.

"A British accent! That's so cool!"

I bit my lip at how loud she was being. She tapped on her computer screen a few times as I waited impatiently.

"Would you like one or two beds?" She asked.

"Just one," I replied shortly. I just wanted to get to a room and that was it, I didn't need anyone to recognize me.

"And would you like-"

"I'd just like to get a goddamn room sometime today please," I snapped. I locked eyes with her completely now, and her blue ones widened.

"Oh my God you're-" she stopped talking suddenly and her face softened a bit, making me more confused than angry. Here it comes, she's going to realize who I am and freak out.

"You're...not really having a good day, are you?" She finished off her sentence and I looked up at her before looking down.

I swallowed and nodded, not knowing why I would even tell her. It wasn't her business.

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