Dancing On My Own

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I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her
And I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the guy you're taking home.


"Hey...It's me...again..."

Grace pushed her hair out of her face and leaned her head against the wall once again. She brought her knees up close and sighed.

"I know you're ignoring me and everyone else...but we just want to know that you're okay."

She could feel the tears well up in her eyes and she willed them to go away. She didn't want to cry, not again.

"We're worried Finn," her voice cracked as she spoke into the phone, "We-"

"Gray I'm here!" A chipper voice sounded out.

Grace hung up the phone quickly as Sadie walked in. The redhead raised her eyebrows before letting out a breath.

"Calling him again?"

Grace nodded sadly before looking to her phone, "It's been almost three days and he still hasn't answered."

"I'm sure he will soon. You know he's going through a lot right now," Sadie tried to comfort her.

When Grace didn't say anything Sadie walked over and sat herself next to her. Grace leaned her head on her shoulder, the tears coming quickly. It wasn't like Finn to ignore them. Last she had seen him they had argued, but that wasn't a reason to completely cut her off, was it?

She hated Millie for what she did. She hated Finn for acting so impulsively on it too. She hated who Finn was becoming and she hated the fact that she couldn't blame Millie. Finn was a grown man, someone who could take responsibility for his actions. Millie didn't make him start drinking and Grace knew that. She felt the need to blame her though, no matter how unfair it was.

She just wanted her best friend back.

"Hey...it's me...again..."

Grace leaned against the wall outside of Mark's room. She looked in through the small window on the door, her eyes landing on Pia who was curled up in the bed next to him, the two whispering sweet nothings into each others ears.

"I know I called earlier and said a lot of things I didn't mean," she started as she ran a hand through her hair, "I just want to make sure you're okay now."

Sadie turned the corner then and Grace's head snapped to the left. She watched as the redhead walked down the hallway towards her, Scout's leash in hand and the small dog trotting just a bit ahead of her happily. They reached her in only a couple seconds, Sadie immediately opening the door to the room and walking in, paying her no attention in the process.

Grace let out a sigh and pulled the phone away from her ear. She hated the way things were going. Sadie was acting like she didn't exist. She knew she should be able to talk to her herself but she felt as if she couldn't. Grace appreciated Gaten trying to help but he couldn't get through to her either, nobody could. Finn would be able to but he wasn't here and Grace hated him for it but worried for him at the same time. She wanted him okay. It had only been about a day yet she felt as if it had been forever.

She opened his contact again and saw all the missed calls and messages she had left him. She glanced back into the window of the room next, seeing Sadie talking to Mark and Pia. Mark hadn't let up on where Finn was and Pia told Grace not to put so much pressure on him. She knew she should trust Mark but she just couldn't. She had a bad feeling about Finn being gone and bad feelings weren't something she was usually wrong about.

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