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Maybe I’m just being blinded
By the brighter side
Of what we had because it’s over.


"Okay spill."

Finn took a bite out of the poptart in his hand and looked to Iris in confusion.

"I want to know everything. There's a reason you didn't bring Sadie or Grace or even Gaten. Why are you here alone?" Iris asked.

Finn shrugged, "I needed to-"

"Get away? Yeah, you said that a bunch of times already," Iris cut him off, "now what's the real reason?"

"That's the reason, I needed to get away from everyone," Finn said.

Iris sighed and took a drink of her soda. She knew Finn had something bigger going on, and she knew that it definitely had something to do with Millie.

"That's not like you," Iris commented.

Finn looked to her, "What do you mean?"

Iris sat up straighter, "Finn that's not how you are with your girlfriends. You're a very clingy person."

"I am not!" Finn scoffed with offense.

Iris rolled her eyes and laughed a little, "Are you forgetting that we dated before? You're clingy Finn. It's not in a bad way though."

"Well what does that have to do with anything?" Finn asked.

"You don't like being away from that person. Even with Millie I could tell that you two were close. You practically gravitated towards her when she was in the room," Iris pointed out.

"So? Millie was different from when we dated," Finn shrugged. He was just trying to brush off the whole conversation, but Iris wasn't giving up so easy.

"There it is. You put Millie up above everyone else, even the people who were once or still are in her position she was in before," Iris pointed out.

"That didn't even make sense," Finn shook his head.

"We dated right?" Iris asked.


"And now you're dating Sadie right?" She asked next.

Finn nodded, "Yes."

"And you dated Millie before, right?" Iris asked lastly.

Finn nodded again, "Yes."

"So why is Millie any different from what Sadie and I are then? Why does she get put at a higher pedestal than us when you're currently dating Sadie?" Iris said.

"She isn't," Finn shook his head in defense.

Iris gave him a look, "Don't lie to me Grapehead."

"Will you stop with that?" Finn groaned.

Iris laughed a little before shrugging, "It's real simple Finn, you're just in denial."

"Denial about what?"

"The fact that you're still in love with Millie."

Finn shook his head immediately, "I'm with Sadie."

"Finn, being with Sadie doesn't mean you can't love Millie," Iris replied.

Finn swallowed, "I don't love her though."

"Whatever you say Finn. I think you should call her and talk to her," Iris offered.

"About what?" Finn asked.

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