Disco Tits

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I say hi, you say hi
We stay high, you look so pretty, yeah.


"Millie, she's not going to want to go anywhere."

Millie groaned as Lilia tried to weave her way in and out of traffic. It was taking too long to get to Finn and her worry was building rapidly.

"He's her best friend. I get that she's hurting right now but Finn is possibly destroying himself and I know she wouldn't want that," Millie tried to explain to Sadie, "Plus, Grace is probably the only one he'd listen to right now."

"Millie, Mark just died, let Grace and Finn mourn. We all have ways of coping. We all care about Finn but we have to let him make his own decisions," Sadie said with a sigh.

Millie nodded, "Just let her know where he is at least? In case she changes her mind?"

"I will," Sadie replied, "and Millie?"

"Yes?" Millie said as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Be careful okay? Finn being drunk is not a pretty sight. He's not him," Sadie warned.

Millie nodded, "Thanks Sadie."

With a quick "good luck" the two hung up and Millie was back to worrying as they made their way through the New York traffic. It was terrifying, to say the least. Millie was frightened by the thought of the ticking time bomb that was Finn. She knew she was a bit in over her head but she couldn't help but want to help him. His trip to self-destruction was something she detested and the bitter taste it put in her mouth at the thought of it made her ill.

What seemed like hours later, the two finally were near the almost undercover club. The paparazzi as always were swarming, their cameras flashing at any person coming in or out of the place. They were desperate, but Millie was more, and she didn't give two shits about whether or not they snapped a picture of her. They were going to have a field day with all of this tomorrow but that thought was put on the back burner as she climbed out of the car before it had even stopped.

"I'll be right in after I find a place to park," Lilia called out the window.

Millie threw her hand up in acknowledgment before rushing towards the entrance. The paparazzi were quick to catch on as they started to swarm her. Her arms went up in front of her as she swatted them away like flies, a defense mechanism she found useless very quickly. They weren't outright pushing her but they might as well have been. Her small body was shoved left and right, cameras thrusted into her face fiercely as they yelled questions at her.

"Please, I need to get through!" She yelled with a barbarity that was so unlike her usual self, "I need to get through!"

She got more frustrated with each step she took, a person launching questions at her every half a second. A hand wrapped around her wrist and she tried to pull away, a sense of fear rising in her body as she was pulled through the crowd roughly. She ended up on the outside of the group, her eyes wandering up the arm of the person holding her. They had their back turned as they took her towards the entrance but they still looked so familiar from what she could see.

The familiarity grew as she heard a voice speak once they got to the security guard at the door.

"She's with me."

Millie yanked her hand away and held her wrist with disgust.

"What are you doing here, Jacob?"

The security guard looked between the two as Jacob pulled out his ID and flashed it to him. Millie took out her own and showed the man, a quick nod given in return.

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