Apathy of No One

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I feel all the pressure too much
I am weak
Inside am weak
I can't speak.


Finn's head felt like it was being weighed down by a hundred bricks.

He rolled over, a pain shooting through his entire body at that. He groaned and grabbed his head to ease the pain a little.

"Why is it so goddamn bright in here!" He yelled angrily.

He managed to crawl out of bed and close the curtains to his room, the place being blanketed in a shadow of his own self misery. He got back into bed and searched around for his phone, a sigh of annoyance leaving his mouth when he found it only to end in the result of it being dead.

"Scout!" He called out into the silent apartment.

Seconds passed by and his annoyance only grew more.

"Scout!" He yelled again. He just wanted some comfort and the little dog wasn't complying.

Fast steps had him making his way out of his room and into the rest of his apartment. It was brighter in those rooms so his eyes had to adjust accordingly. He rubbed them as he got into his living room. As soon as his hands left his face he was met with three familiar ones.

"Who let you guys in?" He asked his rather worried looking bandmates.

"Your parents," Ayla replied. She gave him a small smile, "How do you feel?"

Finn shrugged, "I have a headache and I feel pretty sore I guess."

Ayla nodded and then it was quiet again. Jack and Malcolm wouldn't look him in the eyes. Their hands in their laps were much more interesting apparently.

"Why are you guys being so weird?" Finn spoke up.

"They're just worried about you," Ayla said as she nudged the two boys on the sides of her.

Jack looked up, "Yeah, we're worried."

"About what, I'm fine," Finn looked at them skeptically.

"But last night-" Jack started but Ayla cut him off.

"You got pretty wild last night," Ayla said. She didn't want the news to just be thrown at Finn like that. He had to be eased into it, and Jack wasn't helping that.

"Where's Scout?" Finn changed the subject. He knew how they did it. They tell him his night was crazy, they tell him it isn't good for him, and then they tell him that they're just looking out for him. Same old, same old.

I don't need another lecture, he thought, I can take care of myself.

"With Millie I'm guessing," Ayla replied.

"Oh," Finn replied suddenly remembering shoving the leash into her hand yesterday.

Millie had been coming around often to check on him and Scout. She would make food to ensure Finn was eating and always made sure Scout had food and water. Finn ate it, even if he didn't really like it. Millie was never the best cook when they were together, so now wasn't any different. She was trying so hard though, and he didn't want to crush her feelings if he told her it was bad.

"Is she mad at me?" He asked.

Jack went to speak again but Ayla stopped him, "Well, uhm."

"I know I was harsh to her at the wake yesterday so I hope she isn't too angry with me," Finn sighed.

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