They Don't Know About Us

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They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the "I love yous".


Bliss. Pure bliss.

The whole day was summed up with those words. Finn and Millie had stayed in all day, the hotel room serving as a shelter for them to talk and catch up, a private place for them to share their love once more without anyone watching.

They were scared though. They knew that this time would end soon and they simply didn't want it to. They both knew that they would be dragged back into reality, real life being something that would slap them in the face whether they were prepared for it or not. Neither wanted to speak about it though. The fear of all of this ending so soon terrified them.

"We should do something tonight," Finn spoke as Millie ran a brush through her hair.

"Like go out?" She asked.

Finn nodded, "Yeah. Don't you feel a bit cooped up in here?"

Millie shrugged, "I guess."

"We should go see things. We can't be in Japan and not sight see."

"Tourist attractions are exactly where we shouldn't be," Millie set her brush down and walked over to Finn. He opened up his arms and she placed herself in them comfortably. Her knees touched the bed as she placed her hands on his shoulders and around the back of his neck comfortably, his own hands traveling to her waist and pinching her hips slightly.

"We just have to be sneaky," he whispered into her ear playfully.

Millie sighed, "And if we get caught?"

"Why are you worrying so much?" Finn asked as he moved his hands from her waist and linked his fingers with hers.

Millie looked down to stare at their hands, "It's just...if we're going to be doing this again then we need to keep it on the down low. I don't think it'll work with the world scrutinizing every single thing we do."

"I agree with that completely, but it's just one night out. We've done it before anyway, in New York," Finn explained.

"And if we get caught?"

"We won't get caught," Finn rolled his eyes.

Millie nodded and looked back up at Finn with worried eyes. She had felt a little stuffed up in the room. She wasn't completely confident with going out for the night but she could tell Finn really wanted to. She had planned to see some of Japan anyway, so what better than to see it with Finn?

"Fine, let's go out tonight."

Finn's eyes lit up and he nodded, excitement building at the thought of finally leaving the hotel room for a while.

"But first, we need disguises."


Grace was always a determined girl.

She let out a breath as she walked up to Sadie who was sitting at a table in the cafeteria of the center that Mark was staying at. She pulled a chair out and sat down, Sadie's eyes snapping up from her book and locking with Grace's as she heard the sound of the chair scraping against the ground.

"Please just talk to me," Grace rushed out as Sadie began to stand up.

Sadie sighed and nodded, Grace's nearly bloodshot eyes making her chest ache slightly. She sat down and Grace reached forward for her hands. They only touched momentarily before Sadie pulled back and crossed her arms across her chest.

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