Don't Stop Believin

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Just a City Boy
Born and raised in South Detroit.


The hours had passed quickly.

The sun was up sooner than the two had expected, and Millie shook Finn gently. She had been up almost all night, her worry staying with her as she watched Finn sleep. He was exhausted, physically and mentally, and she didn't want anything to go wrong the next day. Staying up was the only option, the only way she could keep her eyes on him and make sure he didn't wake up and let his cravings take over again.

"Finn, it's morning," She said in a quiet voice.

Finn mumbled and grabbed Millie's arms, securing them around his stomach and resting his hands on hers so that he was the little spoon as he dozed off again. She sighed and pulled her hands away, sitting up fully before shaking him a bit rougher.

"Come on, we have to check out by noon."

Finn's eyes opened up and he rolled to his back, his gaze landing on Millie. His face was filled with dread and Millie could see his breathing pick up as he looked at the sun that was barely glaring through the cracks in the curtains. She tugged his arm lightly to grab his attention before standing up out of the bed.

"Let's get you showered okay? Then we can have breakfast, take your mind off of things," she suggested.

Finn nodded before Millie walked towards the bathroom and gestured for him to follow. She started the water then, waiting for it to get warm before turning the shower on. Looking to Finn she put her hands on her hips and nodded.

"I think you got it this time?"

Finn nodded. He started to take his shirt off and Millie turned away and walked towards the door quickly. A hand on her arm had her stopping immediately and she looked back to see Finn with wide eyes. His hand shook a little as he released her arm and extended it towards her to grab. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at him, confusion running through her.


Millie swallowed and looked around the bathroom then. She caught eyes with Finn again and nodded slightly, letting him pull her gently into the room further. He closed the door behind them and stood in front of her before his fingers played with the bottom of her shirt. Her hands instantly grabbed his and she looked up at him with confusion.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

Finn gave her a nervous smile, "Come in?"

"I...I'm not sure if..." Millie trailed off awkwardly.

"You took care of me, yesterday. You took care of me always...let me care for you, just once."

Millie could feel the hope radiating off of him. He was being sincere and she could tell. No games. Not some elaborate trick to get her undressed in front of him. He was being honest, and she could tell that he was terrified of her answer.

"Okay," she replied back simply.

And maybe it was odd, if you were looking from the outside. They were bearing all in front of each other, but not in a way to gain physical pleasure. It wasn't to satisfy any sexual needs. It was an emotional thing. A mental act in which two people were stripped down literally and mentally, just for each other.

The water was warm, just warm enough to make their skin hot and the small room fog up. Millie pushed her hair back and out of her face, her eyes landing on Finn and his freckled face. His curls soaked up water, falling down and mixing with his eyelashes, water dripping and falling down from his chin. Her hands went up instinctively and she pushed his hair out of the way too, his face fully visible now.

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