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Remember last year when you told me
That these will be lifelong stories
The light from your eyes made it feel like
We, we're dancing in the moonlight.


The sun was almost down.

Sadie was in the car as she watched the city pass her by, all of the lights lit up like a tree during Christmas. Her chin rested in her hand as the car moved slowly through the New York traffic.

Finn had told her that he was going to be busy tonight with music. She said she wouldn't mind, that she'd just relax on the couch or something, but Finn was insistent that she really needed the night to himself. Grace had called up then, telling Sadie that she was in desperate need of a girl's night. Sadie agreed, just wanting to get her mind off the fact that Finn was probably lying to her.

She hated doubting him but she knew he wasn't doing very well lately since seeing Millie. His behaviors were much like when they had first broken up. He wasn't being Finn, and even if he was, it was clearly just a facade to act like he was okay. She was worried to say the least.

The car pulled up in front of a building and Sadie thanked the driver when he opened her door. She kept her head down as the paparazzi climbed out of their own cars and taxis, eager to get a picture of Finn Wolfhard's girlfriend. She finally got in and made her way to where she was supposed to be. She knocked on the door and waited for a couple seconds before it opened.

"Hey!" Grace said with a smile.

Sadie gave a weak one back and entered the apartment. Grace raised her eyebrows as Sadie plopped herself onto the couch immediately. Scout jumped up and laid himself in her lap right away as Sadie pet his head lightly.

"What's wrong?" Grace asked as she sat next to her.

Sadie sighed, "I'm worried about Finn."

Grace rolled her eyes. She knew it had to do with Finn, it always did. She nodded and put her arm around Sadie in an attempt to comfort her.

"I think he lied about what he's doing tonight."

Grace swallowed, "What do you mean?"

Sadie looked to her, "He usually doesn't mind if I'm over while he's working on music but he said he wanted to be alone tonight."

Grace shrugged, "He takes his music seriously."

"Well yeah," Sadie agreed, "But he was so insistent tonight."

"So what's your point?" Grace asked.

"You don't think..." Sadie trailed off.

Grace urged her to continue and Sadie's eyebrows furrowed into worry.

"You don't think he's drinking again do you?"

Grace didn't know what to say. She felt bad lying to Sadie. She knew exactly what Finn was up to tonight but she told him she wouldn't say. She shook her head and pulled Sadie a little closer.

"Sadie, I think Finn is just dealing with a lot right now, you know? He's strong though, so have a little faith in him," Grace said softly.

Sadie hung onto Grace's every word and nodded when she finished.

"Thanks Gray," she said with a small smile. Grace always had a way of calming her down. Grace turned to her and gave her a small smile back.

It was as if gravity was pulling them together. Grace moved her face closer, her arm moving down from her shoulder to her waist, her hand sitting lightly on the redhead's hip. Sadie's eyes fluttered shut and she moved towards Grace too, the two's lips only inches apart now.

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