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A drink for the horror that I'm in,
For the good guys, and the bad guys,
For the monsters in our beds.


Grace was confused when Finn walked in.

Everyone was, really. He had Scout in one arm, the dog's tail wagging happily, and a big bag of dog food in the other. He set both of them down and Scout ran up to Pia happily.

"Why did you bring that?" Grace asked as she pointed to the dog food.

Finn ignored her question, "What, I don't even get a "hey Finn" like usual? No hug?"

Grace sighed and rolled her eyes before walking over to Finn and pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and chuckled in amusement. It was only seconds before Grace pulled away and was across the room with her eyes angry.

"You're drunk."

Pia raised her eyebrows and looked at Finn in disbelief as he shook his head.

"I'm not drunk," He said.

"Who do you think you're fooling?" Grace asked harshly, "You reek of alcohol."

Finn rolled his eyes, "I'm fine."

"I didn't ask if you were fine," Grace shot back.

"How did you get here Finn?" Pia asked calmly.

"I drove," Finn said simply.

Grace raised her eyebrows, "Do you realize how dangerous that is? You could have hurt yourself or someone else! Or even worse, you could have died!"

"Grace maybe we shouldn't be so aggressive. At the center they said that being calm about-"

"Don't talk about me like I'm not in the room," Finn said to Pia.

She clenched her jaw and stared him down.

Pia stood up and let go of Mark's hand, "Outside now, we need to talk."

Finn stood his ground and shook his head. He crossed his arms and looked at Pia with anger.

"I don't want to talk to you. I had a drink, so what? You guys overreact, seriously," Finn said with a roll of his eyes.

"This is serious, Finn. You can't-" Pia started but stopped when Mark cut her off with a touch to her arm.

He gave her a look and she sighed before nodding. She leaned down to plant a kiss on his lips before he whispered something in her ear and she nodded. She looked to Grace and sighed again.

"Come get some snacks with me?"

Grace scoffed, "Finn is-"

"Grace," Mark said sternly.

Grace looked to Mark and then back to Finn. She gave him a glare and walked by him, making sure her shoulder bumped into his roughly. He stumbled a little and turned to look at her with anger.

"What the hell was that for?"

Grace narrowed her eyes and yanked the door open, "Just wait until Sadie hears about this."

Finn rolled his eyes as she stomped out. Pia walked after Grace quietly, giving Finn a look of pity before she left. Finn watched as they closed the door and then he turned towards Mark.

"What's this about?"

His voice was much calmer now than it was before. Even drunk he couldn't be angry with Mark. Mark gave him a small smile and patted the seat next to his bed that Pia always sat in.

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