See You Again

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I love you more than words could ever say
A feeling consecutive words could never ever make.


A lot of things went wrong in that year that had passed.

It was a time for learning and a time for development. Feelings and thoughts and emotions were thrown together in a whirlwind of something much bigger than anyone would have realized. Anyone besides the two it involved the most.

How the world saw it? A breakup of two young hollywood stars. It was merely something that happened every day. Another gossip channel segment, another headline for a magazine, another press story that had everyone talking about America's two polar opposites.

Bad press was still press.

But after all the bad press? Then what? What's to come when any press at all proves to make things ten times more difficult? A mistake anyone could have made blown into something bigger than just two people who were following their dreams.

An actress and a singer, both succeeding their dreams while going through all of the trials and tribulations at the same time. Dreams bigger than the both of them are forgotten, and a bigger dream is brought into the picture and forged together to make one. Dreams can change and turn into people rather than goals. But that's okay.

"I'm scared."

Two words muttered by a man who was terrified of the future. Terrified of the next day, the next couple of hours even.

"You'll be okay."

Three words said by a woman who had gone through too much in the past weeks. Only but a day away from the beginning of her deepest worries being put to rest.

Fingers through curls and a sigh flowing passed dry lips were the only sounds after that. She looked down at him while he had his eyes closed. His head in her lap as she sat crisscrossed on the bed, one of his hands in an uncomfortable position just to hold hers. He didn't care though. Neither of them did. It was sweet, in the most messed up way.

It was a moment of weakness that was finally being put on show. Despite the comfort she was giving and despite the feeling of security he felt, he still had a craving in the back of his mind that she simply couldn't fill.

"How do you know?" He muttered.

"Because I know you. You're going to get better and you'll feel like you again...isn't that what you want?" She replied.

He nodded and his eyes opened up, "More than anything. I don't want us to be like this anymore."


"It's not just for us. It's for me, I know," he cut her off.

She gave him a small smile and nodded.

"It's just scary. It's not that I feel alone in there, because trust me, there's lots of people to talk to, but it's just that it's a lot to come to terms with."

"That makes sense. You'll probably feel overwhelmed, especially a second time going through, but just think of the outcome after," Millie tried to lift Finn's worries a bit.

He swallowed and his eyes glazed over, "I still feel really bad though. I've hurt everyone."

"They know what you're dealing with, and I guarantee they're all going to put that behind them once you're better," Millie said confidently.

Finn nodded, his trust still weary. His eyes darted around the room as he couldn't focus on one thing.

"What are you thinking about?" Millie asked knowing him all too well.

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