Thank You

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Strap yourselves in kids, sappy Liv is coming out & this only happens once every couple years.

It's taken me a while to actually write this out and publish it bc it's real hard for me to out my feelings into words unless I'm feeling it right then and there. Well, it's 2am and I'm feeling a whole lot right now. So here we go. I'm going to forget a lot but I'll do my best.

When I started City Boy I had no idea it'd turn into what it did. It opened up a whole new world to me online. Sure I had a few friends online who read some of my things. I had a few favorite accounts of other's that I enjoyed seeing. But then City Boy came.

I was introduced to someone I ended up meeting in real life, which is kind of weird even now when I think about it. I was able to go to a Calpurnia concert bc i knew somebody there and felt more comfortable.

I was introduced to a group that most of the spam accounts online would call "the oldies". They're literally so much cooler than they're put out to be though?? It was so nice to get messages from people who were more like me, who had a love for stranger things and were just there for a good time.

It led me to someone I know I can count on even if we don't talk every single day. Sure she's in a completely different part of the world but her support feels as if she's right here rooting for me and that's such a good feeling. (Go read all of graces books #notspon lol)

Long story short, it opened me up to so many people that I can talk to and gush about my favorite show with. Everyone on my Instagram has a special little place in my heart and I love all of you to bits.

I wanted to thank all of you who read these two pieces of shit. Y'all are so fun to tease. Sometimes I really regretted the fact that I ever started a second book but you guys made me realize why I did. Your reactions to chapters, your sweet messages in my dms, and your constant support when life just wasn't going well for me and needed breaks.

This book took a whole year to write, exactly. I started it on September 13th of 2018 and I posted the last chapter on september 13th of 2019. It was bumpy for me, because I lot happened personally in that year. But everytime I came back, y'all were the sweetest things and I can never thank you enough for that.

I hope you guys will stick along with me for future books. I'm writing a new Fillie one atm so if you liked this one you could try that one (or not).

Alright, that's all. I (pinky)promise to stop posting in this book now (rip). Ty for sticking w me through these 2 books. Love you guys.

-Chemickles (Liv) ♡

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