I Melt With You

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I'll stop the world and melt with you 
You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time 
There's nothing you and I won't do 
I'll stop the world and melt with you.


"I love it!"

Millie watched as Iris dried her hair with a blow dryer, her hair fluffing up in the process. It was a pale pink, her roots a bit darker but pink nevertheless. She loved it too, but the thought of Finn was distracting her and making it hard for her to fully enjoy anything at the moment.

"Stop thinking about him," Iris sighed as she began to brush through Millie's hair.

Millie sighed and looked at Iris through the mirror, "How can I just stop though? He seemed so broken and hurt."

"You shouldn't have to worry about him," Iris replied back.

"But I care about him," Millie said simply. It was one thing she was sure of at the moment despite the fact that she wanted to do just the opposite.

Iris sighed again, "You're going to see him again in a couple days, right?"

Millie nodded wordlessly.

"Problem solved. You can talk to him then but for now let's enjoy girl time. There's more to life than stupid boys, you know," Iris shrugged.

Millie gave a small smile and looked down, feeling like a teenager at the sound of Iris' words. She set her chin in her hand and leaned forward with a huff.

"Now, for your hair tonight I think..." Iris was speaking quickly as Millie stared herself down in the mirror. The blonde's voice practically faded away as Millie looked at herself.

Her eyes traveled up to her hair where Iris' hands were busy in the mix. Her eyebrows furrowed a bit the more she stared at it, a sense of familiarity growing the longer her eyes examined the pink mess.

"Millie seriously!" Iris' voice cut her thoughts off.

Her eyes snapped up to meet a disappointed face, "S-sorry. I'm a bit distracted."

Iris nodded, "I can tell. Well since you won't get your mind off Finn, we could talk about him if you wanted?"

Millie shrugged, "I don't want to ruin girl time."

"It's fine Millie, boy talk is stereotypical for us to have during girl time but we can do it anyway since you're clearly stressing about it."

Millie sighed. Stressing wasn't the word to describe what she was experiencing. She was worried, scared even, for whatever was to come when she saw Finn again. It was a neverending loop at this point and she was sure she'd be thrown back into that dizzy ride once again.

"He just worries me, you know? He needs to get help and I don't know how to make him see that."

Iris nodded but didn't say anything. Millie was silent then too, her eyes watching Iris continue to curl her freshly pink hair.

"Do you think he'll like it?" She asked after a couple minutes.

It was a moment of weakness really, her old self shining back through the cracks that Finn had left over the past days. It was the need for approval, the feeling of maybe not being enough. It was that same voice repeatedly telling her that she needed to improve, that just being Millie wasn't going to cut it.

Iris seemed to pick up on the quiver in her voice as she gave a look of sympathy, "Do you like it?"

Millie looked up and examined her hair before giving a short nod.

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