Just Say

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Give me thunder give me rain
I can’t take silence anymore
Hit me with some lightning
So I can feel something other than numb
I can’t see behind your eyes
When they’re staring at the floor.


Plane rides had always been a much simpler thing.

Place to place Finn flew all his life, but this plane ride was different. It wasn't the plane that was making Finn so on edge though. No, it was the destination. Fourteen hours to Japan didn't seem like such a big deal while he was on his way to Millie. He had been on edge in a more exciting way then, but now it was just from fear. Even with Millie there to comfort him he wasn't feeling any less anxious. She had held his hand the entire way as a mechanism to get him to stop chewing down his nails. His hand only sat loosely though, not even an ounce of effort to hold hers back.

He hadn't even said a word the entire way. Millie was worried about his what seemed to be a state of shock. His eyes were empty and his body was calm, the opposite of what she would have expected. No emotion and no words, just a statue of a man who was usually one to wear his heart on his sleeve.

The car ride to the center was worse. Millie could see the crowd of paparazzi in the front before they had even pulled up. When the door was opened it was a frenzy. Cameras flashing wasn't something new to either of the two. Finn pushed through, not caring who he hurt in the moment. They practically bursted in to the center and Finn immediately made an A-line for the front desk where Cara looked up with her usual smile. It dropped immediately as she saw Finn and she quickly handed them two wristbands with a sad look on her face.

"Room two-ninety."

"Thank you," Finn whispered under his breath before practically sprinting down the hallway and towards the elevators at the end of it. The ride was silent again. Millie glanced to Finn across from her as they rode. She took one of the wristbands out of his hands and put one on herself before putting his on.

"Whatever happens..." she trailed off breaking the silence, "I'm here for you and you have so so much support."

It was like her words weren't even spoken in the first place. He didn't reply or at the least even acknowledge her. The elevator dinged and the doors opened up. Finn raced out of it, his mind set on where he needed to be. He turned one corner and then another, counting the numbers on the doors as they progressively got higher and higher. He finally turned one more corner before his eyes locked on three people in the hallway. Heads turned at the sound of his abrupt stop at the end of the hallway.

"Where is he?" Finn finally spoke.

He walked closer to Grace who was being held by Sadie closely. Her face contorted to one of anger though as she started towards him too. Her eyes were spilling with tears and her hands were balled into fists. They reached each other and Grace's hand went out quickly to connect with Finn's chest roughly. He stumbled back a bit as she pushed him, his eyes wide in surprise.

"You weren't here!" She yelled with anger and hurt.

Millie came into view behind him and Grace's eyes averted to her.

"You were with her!" She pushed again, "Was she that important that you had to leave your dying friend?"

She pushed again, her face full of anger and her hoarse voice even more evident of that, "Was she that important Finn!? Huh!?"

"Please don't blame Finn, he-" Millie tried to speak up in Finn's defense.

"Shut the hell up!" Grace spat.

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