Feeling Whitney

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I can't even leave my bedroom so I keep pouring
And I ain't seen a light of day since, well, that's not important
It's been long.


"And how many days has it been?"

The question wasn't a hard one.

"Eight," Finn answered in a heartbeat.

The only sound in the room was the scratching of the pen on a notepad and the slight tapping of Finn's foot on the carpeted floor. He chewed his nails subconsciously, his eyes trained on the man in front of him.

"And I see that your nail biting habit has returned?"

Finn pulled his hand away from his mouth and crossed his arms before rolling his eyes and looking to the side.

"Well aren't you just the observant one today? Why did they even name you David when they could of named you captain fucking obvious," Finn spat out in annoyance.

A sigh was let out of David's mouth. He wrote in his notebook some more, his eyes glancing up at Finn every so often who gave him a dirty look back each time.

"You know this only works if we both stay level-headed."

Finn rolled his eyes in response.

David let out a breath of impatience and glanced up as he narrowed his eyes before looking back down, "Irritable...short-tempered..."

"I swear to fucking God Harbour, is this just some joke to you?" Finn practically growled.

"Seeing as I'm in your house and not my office like usual for our sessions, I'd say it isn't," David replied back quickly.

Finn glared at him and David gave a small teasing smile, "That was uncalled for, I apologize."

It was obvious that David was just trying to lighten the mood. He was so used to Finn being more relaxed rather than on edge and ready to snap at any remark he doesn't want to hear.

"Can we just finish this already?" Finn muttered out.

"Alright. So you told me that after Mark's passing, you've relapsed worse than you have in months?" David asked as he got into a more serious state.

Finn nodded, "And I took it out on Millie which was shitty of me."

"But you did say you apologized?"

Another nod, "Yeah as soon as I could."

"Yet you're still worked up over it? Why?" David asked.

Finn thought about it for a second, "Because she didn't sound like she believed me. She seemed...tired? Almost like she was exhausted, maybe emotionally?"

David scribbled onto his notepad, "You've both been on a roller coaster of emotions lately, no?"

Finn nodded, "Worst ride of my fucking life."

"Did you expect her to be more...happy? Happy that you were calling her maybe?"

"I don't know," Finn sighed, "I guess I just felt kind of relieved that she was calling me to begin with so I expected a bit more enthusiasm or something...but it's understandable that she was the way she was because I've put her through absolute hell recently."

David nodded and Finn tried to lean over to see what he was writing as he flipped over a page to the next.

"I know I relapsed but that doesn't mean I can't stop," Finn blurted. His eyes were wide and worried.

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