Sober II

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They’ll talk about us, and discover
How we kissed and killed each other.


Finn moved in his sleep.

His arm felt whatever was on top of him, his hand meeting something soft. His eyes opened up a little in confusion and he looked down to see Millie curled up half on him and half on the couch. He was only able to stare at her for a few seconds before the doorknob started to move and he could hear keys in it. He jumped slightly and Millie groaned as she started to slowly gain consciousness.

"Finn! You didn't show up to see Mark so I figured you were here up to no good. It took a lot of convincing to get Sadie not to come so you owe me big time dude!" Grace's voice rang out.

Finn and Millie scrambled to get up off each other but it only resulted in the both of them on the floor, Millie still on top of Finn awkwardly.

"I hope last night was wor-" Grace's words were cut off as she came into the room, her eyes landing on Finn and Millie.

"Uh...hey?" Finn said as Millie climbed off of him.

He sat up quickly and grabbed his head, letting out a groan as a sharp pain went through it.

"You're hungover. What the hell," Grace said angrily as she picked up the bottle and glasses on the table.

"It's fine Grace, we were just having a little fun."

Grace shook her head as she came back from the kitchen, "This isn't good for you, it's not safe!"

"Please don't blame Finn, I was here right along with him," Millie tried to help.

Grace looked to her in anger too, "I'm not just blaming him, I'm blaming the both of you."

"She didn't do anything!" Finn said standing up.

"She's here Finn! Sadie doesn't even know that she's here and she's encouraging your drinking problem!" Grace snapped.

"We were just-"

"Just what? Hanging out? You both know that this isn't right," Grace said.

Finn sighed, "I'm sorry."

"You should be. Now clean this up. I'm not going to tell Sadie but you need to get your shit together Finn. I'm all for you two rekindling your friendship but not when you're going behind Sadie's back," Grace said shaking her head.

Finn nodded, not having many words to say at all. Grace was halfway to the door already before Finn spoke up.

"Where's Scout?"

Grace stopped and turned back to him, "With Sadie. I needed something to distract her."

Finn nodded, "Thank you Grace."

Grace sighed, "We need to talk. Soon."

Finn nodded again and then Grace was gone.

"I'm so sorry, this is-" Millie started but Finn shook his head.

He looked around the messy living room and ran a hand down his face, "I'm going to shower."

Millie nodded, the tension in the room getting thicker as each second passed, "O-okay."

Finn walked out of the room, his head filled with worries. He closed the door to his room behind him and made his way into his bathroom, automatically locking the door behind him as he did. He opened the bottom cabinet and pulled out a bottle he knew all too well. He had them hidden everywhere, but he only started opening them when Millie came around.

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