Cherry Hill

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You know what I'd do for you
I know what you'd do for me
You will see
The truth in me.

Maybe I'm a fool.


Millie's eyes burned.

The smoke in the air and the odor of sweat and alcohol floated around her like a taunting ghost. Hurt flowed through her veins as she pushed through the doors of the club and got her first breath of fresh air. She breathed in deep as cameras started to turn her way.

Her head turned right and then left, her eyes scanning for some way out of this sticky situation. She was ready to give up until her eyes landed on a familiar black helmet that hung off a handle bar only a dozen feet away. She walked towards it quickly, wiping her tears as she went and completely disregarding the paparazzi that were stepping in her way. She looked at the bike curiously, her eyes landing on the keys that sat in the ignition.

"Idiot," she whispered under her breath as she threw her leg over the bike.

It felt so familiar and she hated it. It brought her back to the first night she had taken a ride on it. She had clung onto Finn that night, terrified of the fact that she could fall off at any second. It seemed weird for her to be getting on by herself now with close to no fear at all.

"Millie, what are you doing?"

Millie looked to her right as Lilia's concerned voice spoke out. It was like she had finally shown up out of nowhere, after the entire scene inside.

"I got to get out of here," Millie replied as she grabbed the helmet off of the handlebars. She couldn't help but be a bit annoyed with Lilia. She knew it wasn't fair because the blonde had essentially done nothing at all, but that didn't stop Millie from taking her anger out on her.

"I'll drive you then," Lilia said sternly.

"I don't need you to. Finn shouldn't be driving in the state he's in anyway," Millie turned the key to the motorcycle and it roared to life. The paparazzi backed up a bit but their cameras never stopped flashing. Millie's every move was caught on camera but she couldn't care less at the moment.

"You don't even know how to drive a motorcycle," Lilia tried again. She was worried for her best friend. The tears that were still rather fresh on her cheeks and the disheveled look she had about her was enough for Lilia to know that Millie wasn't okay.

"I'll figure it out," Millie replied as she plopped the helmet onto her head. She kicked up the kickstand and put her hands on the handlebars of the bike.

Lilia couldn't get another word in before Millie had lurched forward, the bike stuttering a bit before she took off rather quickly.

Maybe she was in over her head. It seemed so easy when Finn did it. She caught the hang of it quickly though, and soon enough she was slowly but surely making her way through the usual New York traffic as if it were nothing.

She hadn't really thought of where she was going until she had arrived. Her eyes traveled up to a sign she had found nostalgic almost. It was kind of scary. The thought of being in this place without Finn was a lonely and empty feeling that made Millie's stomach churn in disappointment and sadness.

Her toes sunk into the sand as she made her way towards the shore. The waves were so near and the sound of them rolling back and forth brought a sense of tranquility to the entire scene. Millie stopped as she got to where she wanted to be.

"Stupid," she kicked a bit of sand towards the water as she looked out.

It was inviting. The way the water pulled forward as if it were chasing her in a game of tag. The waves fell back just as quickly as they came forward, like they were running away from something. It was a constant teasing of back and forth. Millie wanted to give in, to get in and join the ocean as it had its fun. She couldn't though. It wasn't going to be the same and she knew it. Not without Finn.

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