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'Cause we've no time for getting old
Mortal body, timeless souls
Cross your fingers, here we go.


Finn had left quite suddenly.

After saying a quick farewell to Mark and Pia, promising them that he'd be back soon, Finn found himself on a plane to the one place he knew he could clear his mind. Millie was confused, but didn't think much of it as she had to get back to Los Angeles, and she had her own things to worry about right now.

He watched as his hometown started to pass him by. He sighed at the familiar buildings, his hand petting the dog in his lap softly. The car finally came to a stop and he took in a breath before climbing out, Scout's leash in hand.

He had visited his parents house on and off over the past year, Mary being concerned with his health. She was heartbroken to hear that he had turned to alcohol, but she was relieved to hear that he had agreed to getting help. They had even temporarily moved to New York while Finn was in rehab, just so they were able to be near him at all times and support him in recovery.

The door to the house opened up as he was grabbing his suitcase and his mother smiled at the sight of him. Her eyes traveled down to where Scout was standing and she called out in a baby voice towards the dog.

"My little Scout, come here!"

Scout yanked on his leash excitedly and Finn lost his grip. Mary held her arms open as the small dog collided into them, his tail wagging fiercely and his tongue hanging out of his mouth in joy. Finn walked up, a tiny smile at the sight of the two.

"It's about time you visit, the house has been feeling empty without a dog running around," Mary said as she stood up.

She pulled Finn into a hug and kissed his cheek, the boy accepting her affections with a smile.

"Let's get inside."

Finn walked to his room first, stopping at the door and taking in a breath at the familiar sight. He set his suitcase down and then walked back out, rolling his eyes when he saw Mary feeding Scout pieces of chicken in the kitchen.

"He stops eating his dog food when you do that," Finn complained.

Mary gave Finn a look, "How would you like to eat the same food every day?"

Finn shrugged. She had a point. He sat at the table and his mother sat across from him, her eyes studying him curiously.

Finn wasn't sure exactly how to bring it up, but he needed to talk about it. He was hurt and a little betrayed, something he felt that he should never feel with his mother. She was a rock to him, and they never lied to each other.

"So I found out about something," he said quietly.

Mary looked up and nodded, "About Millie."

It was a statement, not a question. Finn nodded, a little relieved that she was the one to directly mention it.

"You know I keep to my word," Mary started.

Finn nodded again, knowing that she was only speaking the truth.

"And I told Millie that I'd be there if she needed me. I know her parents aren't the best they could be to her," Mary explained.

Finn knew that Millie's parents were absolute trash, but he couldn't help that he still felt angry over her talking to his own mother. Mary was a caring person though, and she was always one to want others around her happy.

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