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Messing with the journalists and telling stupid lies
They had a feeling that something was up
Because of the look in our eyes.


Lilia was a very convincing person.

She watched in awe as Millie walked out from behind the curtain, her hands in front of her as she played with her fingers awkwardly. She looked up as Lilia gasped, her cheeks red and her eyes nervous.

"What do you think?"

Lilia nodded and started to clap, "I approve one-hundred percent. Gold was definitely the way to go, yes girl!"

Millie smiled a little and ran her hands down her waist over the gold gown she had on that hugged her body.

"And this?" She asked as she gestured to the sheer part of the dress that ran from under her arm down to the bottom of the side of her thigh.

"It shows skin but in a classy way. Fashion magazines will eat it up," Lilia nodded.

Millie swallowed, Lilia's words making her feel just a little bit better about the whole thing.

"I'm so glad you're going as my date, I don't think I could do it without you."

Lilia nodded, "I have to admit, I'm kind of nervous. All those paparazzi look crazy."

Millie nodded. Lilia hadn't dealt with the paparazzi before. Millie hadn't even dealt with them in months either though. She wasn't sure if she would be able to either but it was too late to back out now.

News had gotten out that she was going to the Met and the world was ecstatic, practically everyone was sitting at the edge of their seats in anticipation.

"Who's doing your hair and makeup?" Lilia asked.

Millie shrugged and sighed, "I don't know yet."

She hadn't done an event of any sort that required her to get her hair and makeup done so she hadn't needed anyone. Her parents were usually the ones to set these things up and she hadn't spoken to them in months. She cut them out, and although she knew it was for the good, sometimes she wished they were there to at least schedule her appointments and such.

"We'll figure it out, don't worry," Lilia said as she noticed that Millie was starting to think.

Millie let out a breath and nodded before looking at herself in the mirror again. She stood up a little straighter and tucked some of the hair that was falling out of her bun back behind her ear.

"I can do this."

It was a faint whisper, something that she was merely trying to convince herself. If she said it enough, maybe it'd be true. In all honesty, she wasn't sure if she could do this, but with Lilia by her side, maybe it'd be at least bearable.


"I can do this."

Pia looked at Finn worriedly as he watched the television in Mark's room. Scout was asleep in his lap, and he kept his eyes locked on the screen where a gossip channel was on.

"Finn, you know you don't have to be tough in front of us," Pia said softly.

Finn nodded, "I'm not trying to be tough, I'm being honest."

"We didn't even ask if you could do anything though, you kind of just claimed it," Mark commented.

Finn tore his eyes away from the screen as he saw a video from the Met Gala that he and Millie had attended together.

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