I Don't Love You Anymore

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I don't feel it anymore
I hope you don't mind me leavin'.


"So you went through my phone?"

Finn looked down in shame, "Yeah."

Millie nodded and crossed her arms. She didn't mind. She was planning on telling Finn about Mary anyway. Mary had been a rock to Millie for the past year. Aside from Lilia, Mary had been one of the only people there for her. She stood in as a mother, a friend, and a shoulder for Millie to cry on.

Millie didn't know who else to go to after everything had happened. She knew that going to Finn's own mother wasn't necessarily right, but she hadn't cared much at the time. She had been desperate.

"It's okay."

Finn nodded, feeling a little relieved that Millie wasn't angry with him.

"So...what did she tell you?" He asked.

Millie shrugged, "Not much. She kept most of your business a secret. I really just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Did you think I was going to just be okay?" Finn asked.

Millie shook her head, "No but I was still curious...when I saw all the buzz around you and Sadie, I backed off a bit."

Finn nodded, "Sorry."

"For what? You're allowed to move on, remember?" Millie gave a weak smile.

Finn looked down at his lap and sighed, "So what time does your flight leave?"

"Tonight at six."

Millie felt the change in Finn's mood. It was as if he was angry, or sad even. He got up and walked towards his room, sighing as he walked in and then walked back out.

"What's wrong?" Millie asked.

"I miss Scout."

Millie couldn't help but smile a little at Finn's words. After all this time, Millie had assumed that he would have given away the poor dog, but he seemed to be the one thing that he was hanging on to. Although she knew she shouldn't have it, Millie gained just a slither of hope that this proved Finn still cared in some way.

She already knew he cared a little though, because why else would he keep her around the way he had been recently? He was confusing to say the least, but Millie was okay with that. She was just happy to be wanted around by the man she loved, even if he didn't love her back.

"What are you doing?" Millie asked as Finn put his cell phone to his ear.

Finn gave her a small smile, "Hello? Grace?"

Millie raised her eyebrows and watched as Finn spoke.

"What? No I didn't call to-just listen!" He said with an eyeroll.

Millie held in a smile at Grace and Finn's almost sibling-like relationship. She had missed being around them, even if Grace didn't like her very much.

"I need you to go bring Scout to Mark," Finn said running a hand through his hair.

Millie watched as his curls fell back into place effortlessly. She sighed and placed her chin on her hand, a bit distracted as she tried to pay attention to Finn's words rather than his lips moving.

"Why do you always have to question me? Just take Scout, I'll be there in a bit."

Finn hung up then and looked to Millie, "Ready?"

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