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Can we have a little conversation?
Figure it out with no intoxication.


"You can't make me!"

Pia sighed, "It's what's best for you. You're out of control Finn."

She had been trying to convince him to go to rehab, a result of finding him drinking again after he was supposed to visit Mark in the hospital but never showed. Grace and Gaten had shown up without him, the two angry at the fact that he had been drinking at all after he had promised to stop.

Finn shook his head and lifted his drink to his lips again. Pia smacked the glass out of his hands in anger, the both of them jumping as it hit the floor and shattered.

"I won't let you throw your life away like this!" She yelled as her eyes started to water.

Finn stared at her in awe and shock as she crossed her arms and stared at him with hopeful but hurt eyes. He was a mess and he knew it but he didn't know how to stop it. Drinking made him feel better, even if it was unhealthy. He needed alcohol, it was the only thing making him happier at the moment.

Pia watched as Finn nodded and looked down at the shattered pieces of glass on the floor as if he was finally coming to the realization that he was in a bad place. Maybe she was finally getting through to him, something nobody has been able to do in a while. Finn looked back up at her and locked his eyes on hers, his stare blank and emotionless.

"You're only saying that because Mark is dying."

Pia's eyes widened and her face contorted into one of anger, "Don't you dare bring him into this right now. You know well enough that I care for you like you're my own child. Mark being sick has nothing to do with it!"

Finn shook his head and walked over to the cabinet in the kitchen. He opened it up and pulled down another glass before setting it on the counter and starting to pour himself some more.

"Don't you have a hospital to get back to?" He asked bitterly after taking a sip.

Pia had tears rolling down her cheeks as she watched Finn walk over to the couch and plop himself down. She looked at the back of his head in silence, her thoughts and feelings mixed. She really did care for Finn like he was her own kid, Mark did too. From the moment they had met him when he was eighteen they had always cared for his well-being more than his career. She was angry though. Angry at the fact that he would say something so insensitive. He knew she had been having a hard time dealing with Mark's illness so it was a surprise for her that he would say anything like that.

"You should come. Maybe seeing Mark will make you feel a little better today," Pia tried. She didn't want to just leave him here to wallow in his sorrows. She eyed the alcohol bottle on the counter and debated taking it with her so he couldn't finish it. He probably has more hidden, she thought.

Finn sighed, "I just want to be alone."

"He's been asking about you," Pia said.

"And I'm asking you to leave me alone," Finn snapped back.

Pia swallowed, "You're only saying that because you're drunk."

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