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I wish somebody would've told me
That I'd end up so caught up in need of your demons
That I'd be lost without you leading me astray
Guess that I'm a fool for the way that you caught me.


The bed wasn't comfortable.

The entire place felt empty. Millie rolled over onto her back and stared up at the white ceiling. Blank. Something her mind felt. Something she felt despite the fact that blank wasn't necessarily a feeling.

The bed moved slightly next to her and she looked over, sighing as she saw two big eyes staring back at her. They were hopeful and sad, two things Millie was feeling just as much. Scout scooted towards her and tucked his head into her neck, a breath of contentment leaving him as he did.

"Ugh," she let out a groan as she sat up. She couldn't take it anymore.

Her phone was in her hands in seconds and she was opening the newest contact she had put in. Her finger pressed the call button and she listened as it rang a couple times before someone answered. There was an awkward pause before Millie heard anything.

"Hello?" A rather raspy sounding voice spoke out.

Millie tried to gather her thoughts, "Uh, h-hi is this Iris?"

There was some shuffling on the other side and a small yawn, "Millie?"

Millie's cheeks blushed red, "What gave it away?

A small laugh was heard, "Definitely not the British accent."

"Right," Millie ran a hand through her hair.

"Anyway, not that I don't enjoy calls from people at two in the morning, but why are you calling?" Iris asked.

"I..." Millie's eyebrows furrowed, "I guess I just wanted advice?"

Some more shuffling was heard on the other side, "With Finn."

Millie nodded, "How'd you know?"

A weak and somewhat sad smile grew on her lips. Of course Iris had seen some video of her and Finn in the club. They were everywhere, and of course it was hard to escape that.

"Lucky guess," Iris said.

"He didn't mean the things that he said," Millie spoke, "He was drunk."

"You know you don't have to defend him," Iris said.

Millie sighed, "I know. He's going through some tough stuff right now though...and I just feel like everyone is going to turn him into the bad guy with this entire situation and he really doesn't deserve that."

"You really do love him, don't you?" Iris said knowingly.

Millie nodded as if Iris could see her, "More than anything."

There was no hesitation to her reply. She knew what she felt and she wasn't ashamed of that.

"Then you can't act like he's perfect. He's an alcoholic, and that's obvious. He doesn't know when to stop and sure, his words may not be exactly what he means, but that doesn't change the fact that he said them and should be held accountable, whether you love him or not."

Iris' words made sense. Millie knew they were true but it was just a bit hard for her to accept them. A sigh escaped her mouth and she could feel her eyes start to water. She was always so emotional and she hated it.

"How do I do that though?" She asked as she felt the knot in her throat growing more with every word.

"You confront him. You tell him how it made you feel," Iris said confidently.

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