Sleep in the Heat

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And nothing I say will make it okay
You just sleep in the heat and repeat
You're wasting away
And nothing I do is gonna save you.


Three a.m..

Millie shifted in her spot on the bed. She reached out with her eyes still closed and pulled Finn closer to her, a sigh being let out of her mouth as she snuggled close. Her body had almost completely fallen asleep again before there was some rustling. She ignored it, her body relaxing into its position.

It was only minutes later when the sound of something falling followed by a loud thud was heard throughout the entire room. Millie jumped up, her eyes wide as it stared towards the bathroom door where some light was streaming out from under.

"F-Finn! There's someone in-" She whisper-yelled as her hand went to nudge the man next to her. Her hand hit a pillow instead and she looked to the spot next to her to find it empty.

Her eyes scanned the room quickly. Finn was nowhere in sight. She walked up to the bathroom door and knocked lightly.

"Hmm," a groan came out in return and Millie's eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you okay?" She asked cautiously.

There was a mumbled mess of words before the door handle was being played with. Millie watched in confusion as it moved up and down. A small click was heard and finally the door was opened up, Finn's eyes landing on Millie with a smile on his face.

"Millie!" He drawled out as he bent down and threw his arms around her.

She backed up quickly, "You have got to be kidding me!"

She looked behind him, about six or seven mini bottles of various alcohols sitting on the counter.

"Where did you get those?" She pointed angrily.

He giggled and shrugged, "You're so pretty."

She walked out of the bathroom and ignored his words. Opening every cabinet and drawer was her next task to make sure there wasn't anything left. She finally opened the mini refrigerator and let out a groan as she saw one small bottle of tequila left. The mini bar, she thought to herself, how could I forget the mini bar?

"Why are you so angry?" Finn asked dumbly.

Millie let out a huff before grabbing the tequila bottle and walking to the bathroom. Finn followed like a puppy as she went. She unscrewed the top and started to turn it over, the liquid pouring from the bottle and into the bathroom sink.

"What are you doing!" Finn yelled as he reached for the bottle. He tried snatching it out of Millie's hands but she moved it further away.

"Get off!" She said angrily as Finn practically climbed onto her while trying to reach the bottle.

"You're wasting it!" He yelled as he got a grip on the bottle. He pulled it towards him and Millie pulled back, the two fighting over the bottle like children with a toy.

"Finn! Let. Go."

The smell of the alcohol was strong as it spilled out, some on their hands and some on the bathroom counter and floor. Millie's nose scrunched up at the stench. She didn't think much of what was happening, all she knew was that she needed to keep the alcohol away from Finn. It was a feat that proved difficult though as Finn was much stronger.

A final yank had Millie tumbling backwards with the force. She stumbled a few steps before completely falling, her head and the top of her back hitting the wall in the bathroom with a thud. She groaned immediately and squinted her eyes shut as she grabbed the back of her head in pain. Her temples throbbed and her ears rang a bit, the shock of the fall making her eyes water and her breathing a bit heavy.

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