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I know that you're hurt, I know I'm to blame
But I'll make it work, I'll make you stay.


Planes weren't something Millie wanted to deal with at this point anymore.

That's why she wasn't on one at the moment. No, she was in bed, wrapped up in her blankets and full of warmth. Planes meant airports and airports meant paparazzi. She just wanted peace for the moment, a time where she could relax and revel in her friends. She didn't want to be on a plane, so that's why Iris was on one instead.

It seemed like the only realistic thing, right? She could get on a plane and go through an airport unscathed. Millie only dreamed of that happening now. She knew it would never be like that and although it was hard to, she accepted it.

The two had been talking non stop, Millie finding comfort in Iris' rather confident and motherly-like actions. They had practically become best friends over the past days, so it wasn't necessarily a crazy thing for Millie to offer to fly Iris over to LA. The girl had never seen LA anyway, so who better to show her around than the city girl herself?

"I still think it's weird that you invited Finn's ex here," Noah said as Millie helped Caleb tidy up the guest room.

"She's my friend," Millie rolled her eyes.

"Does Finn know?" Noah asked.

Millie shook her head, "No, why should he?"

"Because it's his ex? You're both his ex?" Noah said like it was obvious.

Millie shrugged. She didn't see the big deal about it. She smoothed out the bed and looked around to make sure everything was in place.

"We're friends, and Finn doesn't control who I can be friends with," Millie spoke with confidence.

The doorbell rang then, all three of their heads turning towards the door. Millie grew excited as she made her way out of the room. Her lack of girl friends had been wearing down on her even after only a couple days, so this was something she had been looking forward to. She practically threw the door open to see a smiling Iris.

"Hey," the blonde said sweetly before pulling Millie into a hug.

Millie accepted the gesture and hugged back, a feeling of happiness and almost relief washing over her.

"I'm so excited for this weekend," Iris said with a smile.

"Me too! I need some girl time, I've been around way too many boys lately," Millie replied to which Caleb scoffed.

"That's rude, we're standing right here," Noah spoke up from behind the two.

"Oh! Speaking of boys," Millie rolled her eyes at Noah, "this is Noah, and this is Caleb, if you don't remember."

She gestured to the two boys and Iris nodded.

"How could I not?" She pulled them both into hugs.

"Good to see you again, even if it's weird that Finn's two exes are now besties or whatever," Noah nodded.

Millie rolled her eyes yet again at the boy. She grabbed Iris' bags and gestured for her to follow.

"I hope you don't mind staying in the guestroom with me," she asked, "I could stay on the couch if you wanted though."

"No that's more fun actually, it's like a sleepover."

Millie smiled weakly at the word. It brought so many memories and she wasn't so sure that she wanted to remember them at the moment. Finn had filled all of her thoughts over the past days, every little thing reminding Millie of him.

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