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King and Queen of the weekend
Ain't a pill that could touch our rush
But what will we do when we're sober?


"Where'd you get that scar?"

I looked up to him with a raised eyebrow as he pointed to my hip.

"Sorry, was that an uncomfortable question? You don't have to answer," Finn apologized quickly.

I shook my head, pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping the jacket around my entire body as best as I could.

"I'll answer," I said quietly. An internal alarm went off in my head as my hand touched the scar.

"So what happened then?" Finn asked curiously.

I sighed, "I thought I could drive a golf cart at thirteen and wrecked it."

Liar, the word ran through my thoughts but I brushed it away.

"Damn, you cut yourself that bad?" Finn asked.

I nodded, "Six stitches."

"Impressive," Finn said. He lifted his head up a little and pointed to a small scar under his chin.

"I did that while trying to do a cartwheel while dancing."

Millie couldn't help but laugh, "It's sad how easily I can believe that. Your dancing is...interesting."

"What's that supposed to mean!" Finn said with fake offense. I laughed loudly again, a sense of happiness surround us.

"Can I see the one on your hip again?" Finn asked timidly.

"I'm in my underwear and bra," I chuckled.

"That didn't bother you when we were swimming," Finn shrugged, "It's like you're in a bathing suit. Plus we already established that I don't care for that."

I debated it in my head. I knew Finn wasn't trying to be creepy. I completely trusted him on this though and that's all that mattered in the moment. I moved the jacket a little so my hip was visible to him. He looked to me in reassurance, his hand stopping in between us.

I locked eyes with him and nodded. He reached forward, grazing his fingertips along the scar. I shivered under the touch of his cold fingers and he pulled away.

"Sick..." he said under his breath. I smiled and reached forward, stopping with my hand inches from his face. He nodded, and I moved my hand the rest of the way so that it touched his face gently. I ran my thumb over the small scar that was there, Finn watching my own face the entire time.

I put my hand down and looked to my lap as I laid my legs back down straight. I pointed to my knee where there was a tiny scar.

"I scraped my knee when I was six when I tried to walk a dog by myself."

Finn smiled and then held his hand out where there was a tiny barely there scar on the side of his wrist.

"This is from when I was arrested for the first time. They had the handcuffs crazy tight," he said with a laugh.

"You have much cooler stories than I do," I laughed.

Finn smiled, "We'll get you cool stories, don't worry."

"Can I tell you the truth?"

Finn looked to Millie as they sat on the beach where they had been watching the moonlight that was reflecting off of the water.

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