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And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small
Though I try to resist I still want it all.


"I can't do it anymore."

A sob ripped out of Millie's throat as she held the phone to her ear. Her hand shook slightly and she blinked her eyes to try and rid her vision of tears. She looked around the empty pool area, the moon reflecting off the water and onto her face.

"Listen sweetie, I know he's tough to deal with right now. Just let me know where you are and I can go and get you. I'll send Eric separately to get Finn if you'd like," Mary spoke.

Millie sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "But it all just feels so pointless then. I want to teach him a lesson but it's just so hard to considering everything that's happened."

"I understand that, but you shouldn't be hurting yourself in the process. As much as we all want Finn to get better, it isn't worth losing you as well," the reply came sadly.

"So what do I do?" Millie asked desperately.

A sigh came across the phone, "There's not much more you can do. You've tried your best, it's his choice on whether he wants to get better or not."

"Well he's an idiot then. He's a big dumb idiot and I hate him," Millie pouted like a child as she wiped at her eyes. She covered her mouth as another sob came out, her throat starting to feel scratchy from all the crying.

A small chuckle was heard and Millie's eyebrows furrowed, "Are you laughing?"

"No no, it's just...a bit amusing. I'm not laughing at your misery, I promise," Mary said with a slight smile.

Millie coughed, "I think I'm going to go back before he figures out how to somehow piss me off even more."

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

Millie nodded despite being on the phone, "I know I told him I was giving up, but I don't want to leave him alone and make it worse."

"Only he can make it worse."

"I know. I just want to make sure he's okay though," Millie replied.

"Did you still want us to come get you guys?" Mary offered.

Millie shook her head, "I'll be fine. I'll call if we need anything though, okay?"

"Okay, just a call away. Get some sleep Millie. Love you."

The line went dead before Millie had the chance to reply. She looked around the pool area and sighed. The sun would be coming up soon. She walked slowly back towards the hotel room, her steps taken with care as she nervously thought about what awaited her in the room. She had only been gone for about thirty minutes but she was expecting the worst when she got back.

She opened the door slowly and peaked in. The room was dark besides the light in the bathroom. She closed the door quietly and walked towards it silently, her eyebrows furrowing in worry when she heard Finn coughing roughly.

"Finn? Are you okay?"

"Millie-" Finn said in between coughs. The door slammed shut before Millie could see in and she jumped at the sudden movement.

"Get out of here!"

She swallowed, "I want to help."

A sniffle came through as Millie pressed her ear to the door, "You can't help me....nobody can."

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