Where Were You in the Morning?

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You said that you were staying over
But then I woke up to the cold air.


Finn didn't feel warm like he had before.

His eyes shot opened and he sat up quickly, "Millie?"

The bed was empty beside him. He looked around the room and then crawled out of bed, almost tripping in the process. He made his way to the door and opened it, looking around the living room and the kitchen just in case Millie was there. He stopped when he saw Scout sleeping by the door, his body curled up into a little ball.

He walked back into his room and then into his restroom. As soon as he turned the lights on he saw the clothes he had let Millie borrow the night before. He walked over and picked them up, Millie's coconut scent still barely on them. He sighed and dropped them before looking around to see if she had left a note.

"Nothing," He mumbled under his breath as he made another trip around the apartment. She didn't leave anything.

Finn took a breath in and sat at the edge of the bed, his head going into his hands. How could I be so stupid to think that she would stay? He recalled all of the times that she had brought up Sadie, as if she was scared that even looking at him would hurt the redhead in some way.

He jumped a little as his phone went off. With quick movements he had snatched it off the bedside table and answered the call, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Finn where are you?" Sadie's voice came through.

"Home, why?" He asked with a bit of disappointment. He was hoping it would be Millie.

"Everyone is so worried, you didn't answer anyone's messages last night and you were drunk," Sadie said.

Finn sighed, "I'm fine Sadie. I was just tired so I slept in. I'll talk to you later, I'll see you when I'm on my way to see Mark."

"Are you sure?" Sadie asked.

"Positive," Finn snapped before hanging up.

Maybe he was a little harsh. He was angry at Millie though, and he might have let that all out on Sadie unintentionally.

He sighed as he scrolled through his contacts and found Millie's name. He stared at her number for a couple seconds before pressing the call button and putting the phone to his ear.

Each ring was like a taunting laugh, making him feel humiliated more and more as every second passed. I'm an idiot, he thought. He knew he shouldn't have trusted her in the first place. All Millie ever did was hurt him and he was tired of it. She only ever thought of herself.

He groaned when the phone went to her voicemail. Of course she would ignore me. He tossed the phone onto the floor and laid back on the bed. He heard Scout whine from outside of the room and he whistled for him to come. When the usual sound of Scout's paws pattering on the wood floors wasn't heard Finn groaned.

"Scout! Come on dude I need comforting," he listened again and heard Scout's whine.

"She's not coming back, come on Scout," he whistled again and closed his eyes when the dog still didn't come to him.

He closed his eyes tighter and willed himself to sleep, the only way he could get rid of her from his mind. A knock on the door had his eyes shooting open and his feet moving faster than ever to get to the door. He swung it open with hopefulness but his shoulders dropped immediately.

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