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Look in the mirror, I love that boy,
don't hurt my dear, don't hurt my joy.



Millie was anxious as she was currently sat in the car on her way to Finn's. She pushed some hair behind her ear nervously and let out a sigh as she sat in the slow moving traffic.

They hadn't talked since the phone call, only a few short messages to let Finn know that she was on her way. Even then, his replies had been short, something that was unusual for Finn, especially when it came to Millie. The both of them had been on the low recently, and that only caused the paparazzi to want more. Why were they so silent after the incident at the club?

Besides the odd picture of Millie that Iris had posted on her private account, Millie was MIA. Nothing was heard from Finn as he had been cooped up in his apartment since everything happened. At least that's what Millie had heard. A complete detox of social media is what was keeping her going now, the need to step away from the drama something that grew more everyday with her.

Mary and Eric were in and out of Finn's apartment, rotating shifts with the other members of Calpurnia so that they could make sure Finn didn't further destroy his reputation. Pia had been checking in via phone call every day or so but she was still mourning and they all knew that. She needed alone time before she came out and spent time with others.

The goodbye with Iris was bittersweet, the blonde reminding Millie that she wasn't a sorry ass bitch before hugging her farewell. The weekend had come and gone quickly and Millie wasn't sure if she was thankful for that or not. She hated being brought back to the reality that the man she loves was destroying himself day by day but she was also thankful that she would be able to see him again and hopefully talk some sense into him.

The familiar apartment came into view and Millie braced herself for the inevitable paparazzi that were practically dying to catch a picture of her. She managed to get inside quickly, Eric waiting at the door to the lobby to aid her way in. He rested his hand on her back softly as he guided her through to the elevator.

The doors closed behind them and Millie let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Eric turned to her and gave a cautious look.

"Finn...isn't doing well."

Millie nodded, "I know."

"No, you don't. He's going through withdrawals right now as we speak Millie. He had been somehow getting alcohol and refuses to eat or drink," Eric explained.

"H-how?" Millie questioned as she shifted from nervous to worried in seconds.

Eric shrugged lightly, "We don't know. There's no talking sense into him though, and he's practically killing himself."

Millie swallowed as the elevator dinged and the doors opened up. The two walked out and down the hall. Millie looked at the familiar door and her nerves grew even more as they got closer step by step. Eric reached forward and Millie spoke up, her mouth moving faster than her mind.


Eric looked to Millie in question.

"I don't know if I'm ready," She trailed off.

Eric didn't say anything, not knowing what to really say at this point. Nobody was ready to see Finn because he just wasn't Finn. He was back at the same place he had been when he and Millie had first split up, only this time Millie was just getting back into the picture. It was confusing for all of them but for Millie especially.

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