The Good Side

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The people danced to the sound of your heart
The world sang along to it falling apart.


"So where should we start?"

Finn shrugged and looked down as his hands went down to his pockets awkwardly. He didn't know where to start, he hadn't planned any of this out.

"Maybe..maybe we could go from the start?" He offered as he looked up at Millie.

Millie nodded, "Like of us?"

"Like the breakup," Finn said a little too straightforwardly.

Millie felt like the air had been knocked out of her. She wasn't sure she could do this. The last time she talked to someone about this was with Lilia, and she had broken down crying. Anytime she talked to anyone about this it was hard. It was something she found almost impossible to say a word about.

"O-okay," Millie stuttered out.

Finn could tell that Millie was nervous. He was nervous too, but he wasn't passing up this opportunity.

"Okay so, if we're going to do this, you have to be completely honest with me," Finn said.

Millie sighed but nodded anyway.

"We can just ask questions, and then the other person answers...then we get to know exactly what we want to know," Finn explained.

"And what if I don't want to answer the question?" Millie asked.

"If you really feel like you can't answer the question then you don't have to," Finn replied.

Millie nodded, feeling like this whole conversation was familiar, "Okay let's get this over with then."

"Should we sit down?" Finn asked.

Millie looked towards the couch and nodded. The two walked over to the living room and Millie was surprised when Finn plopped himself down right next to her. She shifted a little, trying to keep some distance between them. Scout jumped up and rested himself in Millie's lap comfortably.

"Did you want to go first?" Millie offered. She wasn't sure what she wanted to ask since she had so many questions so she was going to let Finn start it off.

Finn nodded and locked eyes with Millie, "How long were you talking to Jacob for while we were together?"

"Wow you're getting straight to it," Millie commented. She nodded and her eyebrows furrowed as she thought a little about the question, "I talked to him up until the Met."

"And then?" Finn asked.

"And then we started talking after that night at your parents...when we had an argument and you left," Millie said remembering the screaming match that the two had had in Finn's old bedroom.

"He obviously thinks he can do whatever he wants with you Millie. He thinks you belong to him, so let me show him that that's not the fucking case."

"No," I replied back shortly.

"I don't see why you defend him after he literally cheat-" Finn started but I cut him off.

"He didn't cheat on me!" I yelled.

"And my name isn't Finn!" Finn yelled back sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, "I can't believe you."

"You can't believe me? You're defending him Millie. You don't even realize how bad he's manipulated you. You think that he didn't cheat when there's video proof that he did!" Finn said angrily.

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