Beautiful Thing

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We make hours turn into seconds together
The weight of the world feel like a feather
'Cause we're holding it right in our hands.


Thrilled was an understatement.

Finn was on top of world. He felt happy. Happier than he had been in a long time. He focused on Millie's breathing, the rise and the fall of her back as he rested his hand on it gently.

"I don't want this to end."

Finn sighed at Millie's words. He lifted his hand and ran it through her hair softly.

"It doesn't have to," he replied in almost a whisper.

She sat up then, holding the blanket over her body and looking at him with worried eyes. Her hair was a mess, sticking up in every direction. Finn admired her, the way she looked so perfect despite the previous events.

"But what about Sadie?" She asked.

"What about Sadie?" Finn sighed.

"You guys are still dating to everyone else. The public doesn't know you're fake," Millie explained.

"Mills, they don't have to. Sadie and I will just say we broke up," Finn offered.

He didn't understand why she was so worried. It all seemed so simple now. Every secret was out for the most part. He just wanted to be happy with Millie now, that's what he promised Mark.

"And what about her parents?" Millie asked next. She liked the thought of everything being so simple but she knew that when it came to her and Finn it usually wasn't.

"Well..." Finn trailed off, clearly stumped by the question, "she can explain that I broke up with her and then I could find someone else to play her new boyfriend."

"And what about you? The media is going to eat it up about you dumping her and getting back with me right away," Millie said next.

Finn shrugged, "Bad press is still press."

Millie smiled a little and looked down. With a soft touch Finn reached forward and put his finger under her chin. He lifted it up so that they could lock eyes. He scanned her face before his eyes traveled to her neck. Dark marks traveled down it, disappearing under the blanket she held up to cover herself. His eyes traveled up to hers, a pink blush on her cheeks as she realized what he was looking at seconds before. He leaned forward then, placing his lips on hers for a few seconds before pulling back and setting his forehead on hers.

"We'll figure it out, okay?" He said in a quiet voice, "but for right now, we're in Japan, let's have fun and enjoy it while we can."

Millie let out a breath. She didn't want to just ignore their problems. Japan had an inevitable end and she didn't want to get to that. She was at such a high right now and she knew that what goes up must come down. She didn't want to fall. Falling wasn't what scared her though, no, she was frightened of nobody being there to catch her.

"Alright," she answered simply.

Finn opened his arms and Millie climbed into them quickly, her head resting under his. She grabbed his hand, tangling her fingers with his and squeezing it lightly.

"I feel like this is all a dream," she whispered.

Finn pulled her a little closer as if it was possible, "It's not. I'm here and I love you."

Millie nodded slightly, "I just feel like it's all a joke or something. Like you're going to be ripped away from me at any second."

Finn shook his head, "It's going to take a lot to keep me away from you again Millie."

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