Lost in Japan

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I could feel the tension
We could cut it with a knife
I know it's more than just a friendship.


A fourteen hour flight later and Finn was in Japan.

It took a lot of convincing, but Lilia had finally given Millie's whereabouts, swearing to Finn that she wouldn't say anything. He was in a cab now, driving to her hotel with a nervous feeling coursing through his body the whole way.

What would he even say? What did he want to say? He didn't want to screw up the one chance he had of admitting his feelings. Mark wanted him to be happy, but what if this didn't end happy? What if Millie didn't feel the same anymore? It had only been a while since she had admitted to still loving him, but he was still worried.

What if she doesn't love me anymore? His thoughts were everywhere, doubt building up higher and higher.

"I love you..." I said so quietly that I wasn't sure Millie had even heard it.


"Don't you fucking dare say that you love me too," I said locking eyes with her.

Millie swallowed. Her eyes looked to my cheeks where I could feel tears rolling down. I'd never cried in front of her, never. I was always the strong one, no matter what I was going through. I was always the rock, but now I was crumbling to pieces right in front of Millie.

Finn's thoughts brought him back to the last time he had said "I love you" to Millie. That was by far one of the worst nights of his life. That was when he lost it all, everything he had loved so dearly. That was the night he lost Millie.

He took a breath in as he watched buildings pass by outside. He wasn't going to get sad now. He was off to gain everything back, and he needed to keep that in mind.

His plans of revenge snuck up into his thoughts next, making him feel guilty. He was so sure of them not too long ago. Millie's words had pushed him over the edge that day and he couldn't get them out of his mind even now. After Mark's talk though, he wasn't too sure on that. Mark wanted him happy and Finn knew that hurting Millie wouldn't have a happy result. He took another of what was becoming a series of deep breaths as he cleared his thoughts.

The cab pulled up to the hotel and Finn looked up in awe. The entire thing looked like it was made of glass, as if throwing a pebble at it would have it tumbling down and crumbling to pieces. He thanked the cab driver and paid him his fee before stepping out and walking into the hotel with his head down. Once he was inside he made his way directly to the elevator, not wanting to bring any unnecessary attention to himself. He checked his messages on the way up again, making sure he was heading to the right room.

A little ding went off, telling Finn that he was at the right floor. He took a deep breath as the doors opened. He hated being so nervous. It was both a good and bad feeling all at once. He couldn't wait to see Millie. He couldn't wait to tell her. He made his way down the hallway and her door finally came into view. He walked up to it shakily and lifted his hand, ready to knock.

He put it back down quickly though, his nerves getting the best of him. He couldn't get himself to do what he wanted, worry and fear piling onto his shoulders and threatening to make him fall at any second. He took another breath in and stood up a little taller, the weight on his shoulders still heavy. Now or never, he kept repeating to himself over and over in his head.

His hand lifted quickly and he knocked, three sharp knocks that had footsteps getting closer immediately. The door was opened up and then he heard her voice.

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