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You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring.


Getting out of the hotel was a lot easier than expected.

Finn had a hoodie on with the hood pulled up, a beanie with his purple curls tucked into it underneath. Millie had the same thing, Finn for some reason having two beanies shoved into the bag he had brought with him. The weather wasn't very forgiving with their outfits but that didn't matter at the moment because they needed disguises and neither of them had much back at the hotel.

"Now where?" Millie asked as they made their way down the busy street.

Finn grabbed her hand and kept his head down, "The guy at the desk said something about a clothing store two blocks down."

Millie didn't say anything, her mind too preoccupied with the feeling of Finn's hand in hers. They arrived rather quickly and without anyone recognizing them. It was an immediate dash to a section of the store that had wigs on a wall. Millie searched, a groan being let out of her mouth at the lack of plain hair colors.

"There's nothing here," Millie said with a sigh.

"I told you the pink wig would be fine," Finn rolled his eyes as Millie continued to look around.

"I don't think bright pink is very good for a disguise. I'd stick out like a sore thumb."

Finn sighed and watched on as Millie continued to look around the small store. He didn't mind it too much, following her around, he was just relieved to get out of the small hotel room they had been cooped up in.

"What do you think of this?" Millie asked as she held up a tan dress towards Finn.

He shrugged, "It looks like a potato sack."

Millie scoffed, "It does not."

"Why are you even getting clothes? I thought we were just changing our hair and throwing some sunglasses on," Finn sighed.

He just wanted to get out and see things. He and Millie were only together here for a few more short days, her photoshoot taking up some of those. He wanted to spend time with her where they could both enjoy themselves and not worry about someone noticing them. He knew that they were still risking a lot being out in the first place and he hated that.

"You really think I'm going to be walking around in a sweatshirt? It's humid, I don't want to overheat and die."

Finn laughed a little, his thoughts cut off momentarily as Millie over dramatically fanned herself, "You're so dramatic."

"You're going to get too hot and then I'm going to have to listen to you complain later," Millie teased. She knew Finn all too well.

Finn shook his head, clearly already very hot under his hoodie and beanie. He was stubborn as hell though and Millie knew that, so she walked over to where the men's clothes were and started to search through them.

"What are you doing?" Finn asked as he rested his head on his hand while he leaned against the clothes rack next to him.

Millie didn't reply as she kept searching through the clothes, a determined look on her face the entire time. She pulled out what looked like loose slacks and held them up in front of her so she could get a better look. Her gaze traveled to Finn and she looked at his legs and then back up to his face with a small smile.

"No, I am not putting those on, they look like pajamas!" Finn spoke with annoyance.

Millie giggled and walked up to him before holding the pants up to his waist and nodding.

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