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You just made the worst mistake
And you'll regret it, darling
'Cause once you give and then you take
You'll only end up wanting.


Finn felt weird.

The whole day was weird. He had seen David before even seeing Millie and gotten all the advice he had thought he'd need. David hadn't told him much though except for "do what you think is right". It was a lot different from what he had said before. Finn had wanted to cut everything that had to do with Millie out of his life, but now he was doing the complete opposite.

"Finn," Grace's voice rang out.

Finn looked up to her, "Yeah?"

"We have to go now, I told Pia we'd be there by two," Grace said.

Millie looked in between the two curiously, "Oh, where are you going?"

They had all been sitting around at Millie and Lilia's for the past hour or two, talking about everything but the past. It really was like they had started over, and Finn just found it weird. He went along with it though, figuring that he would adjust at some point.

"To see Mark," Sadie said.

Millie nodded and gave a nervous smile, "Tell him I said hello."

"You should come!" Finn blurted just a little too loudly.

Sadie raised her eyebrows at him and he shrugged and looked back to Millie, "I mean, you could come say hello in person."

"I don't want to leave Lilia though," Millie said awkwardly. She was all for reconnecting with Finn as friends, but she knew there was a line that she couldn't cross.

"She can come," Finn said.

Grace gave him a stern look and he sighed, "Or not. It really would be nice for Mark though. He liked you."

Lilia looked at Finn curiously but nudged Millie anyway, "You should go. I'll be fine here, I have to book our flight anyway."

"Flight?" Finn asked.

"We go back to LA tomorrow," Millie nodded.

Finn's face fell for a second but he recovered quickly, "You have this here though."

He gestured around the place and Millie nodded.

"Lil's dad owns all of the Buckingham hotels, so we have the penthouses at every one whenever we want," Millie explained to which Finn nodded.

"So if you guys ever need a place to stay then just let me know," Lilia said sweetly.

They nodded and then Sadie and Grace were standing up.

"Come on, we have to go Finn," Grace said.

Finn looked to Millie pleadingly, "So you're coming, right?"

Millie sighed and looked to Lilia who nodded before looking back to Finn and nodding, "Yeah sure."

Finn smiled in triumph before getting up and walking towards the door. Millie slipped some shoes on and grabbed some sunglasses, following everyone and giving Lilia a small wave and a hesitant look before she was out the door.

The ride to the bottom floor was awkward as hell. Millie had taken notice of the way that Sadie and Finn had linked their fingers together subconsciously, keeping her face neutral despite the way her chest ached. They finally reached the lobby and made their way towards the door. Millie slipped her sunglasses on, knowing well enough that the paparazzi would be waiting. She kept her eyes to the floor, quickly realizing her mistake as she ran straight into the back of Finn.

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