Make it Hurt

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It's nothing new to me it's time for you to see
All that I see
And all that I feel
I'm gonna make it hurt
You're gonna wish you weren't.


Maybe Finn was over his head.

He sat in between Grace and Sadie in the car, the both of them looking out the window as they drove. New York passed them by slowly, the world up and ready like it always was. The car came to a stop and Finn looked out curiously. He was nervous. He had hoped the shot of tequila he snuck in before leaving David's office would have helped relax him at least a little but it seemed to be doing nothing.

Should've taken two.

They climbed out and Sadie automatically grabbed Finn's hand, Grace trailing behind the two awkwardly as they made their way into the building. They were let up to the penthouse where Millie was staying and Finn panicked mentally before they reached the floor. The three stopped at the door as if they didn't know what to do, Sadie and Finn's hands still clasped together.

"You guys are annoying," Grace said before pushing between them and knocking on the door roughly.

Finn's heartbeat sped up as he waited for it to open. Millie was only a door between them, and any second now she was going to open it up and be right in front of him. He was excited and nervous and scared all that the same time. He wanted to see her but he was still a little hurt at the fact that she had left the morning before.

The door opened and Finn looked up excitedly. His face fell a little when he came face to face with someone who wasn't Millie. It was the same girl from the Met.

"Hey! Millie is changing in her room but come in," the blonde said sweetly.

The three walked in and followed Lilia to the living room where they sat on the couch across from her. She gave a smile and stuck her hand out towards Grace, "I'm Lilia, I don't think we've met."

"Grace," Grace shook her hand politely.

The room fell quiet until Millie walked in. Finn looked up and gave a smile subconsciously. Her hair was a little damp and her face was bare, her body clad in sweats and a cropped shirt. Finn couldn't help but think about the way she used to lounge around the house in clothes like that. He thought back to when she would get ready every single day, her makeup and hair done to perfection even if they weren't going anywhere.

He thought to when she had finally grown comfortable just being her natural self, just Millie.

At least one thing stuck with her.

"Hey Finn, Sadie. Grace, I didn't know you were coming," Millie said softly.

Grace nodded and looked down. She didn't want to be here but she was here for Finn. Everyone was looking around awkwardly after the greeting. Lilia was quick to break the silence though.

"So maybe we should let Finn and Millie talk, I mean that's why you came afterall," she said looking to Sadie and Grace. She looked back to Millie and gave her a smile.

Grace nodded and started to get up but stopped when Sadie gave her a look. Finn looked at the two and Sadie gave pleading eyes that asked him to stay.

"They won't be long, right Finn?" Grace said looking at him.

He looked to Millie and then back to Grace and Sadie before nodding quickly. Sadie sighed and nodded before Millie gestured for Finn to follow her. He squeezed Sadie's hand one last time before getting up and walking out of the room.

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