~Chapter 1~

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//To those who are new, I'd strongly advise to read the first book in order to come here;  A Demon's Love (Human!Bill Cipher x Reader)  .

To those who read that story and clicked here...


To the sequel everyone has been dying for~

WARNING; This sequel contains dark nightmares and intense moments. Read with caution, and be sure to read every word carefully. Per chapter will leave hints for the future, it's the same as the previous :)

And from now, enjoy the first chapter~ //


That's all of what you could do.

You can't stop running, almost out of breath, from the black flames catching up to you fast.

There were times you would nearly trip and feel the burning flame reach your ankles - resulting in a 2nd degree burning marks on your ankles and the bottom of your feet.

Where to though?

There was a distant white light, screaming for 'safety' and 'freedom'.

If you could run to that light, this harmful fire will back off, leaving you alone.

The light shined brightly, showing that you're getting closer.

Feeling excitement and determination, you pressed on, your legs moving quickly.

Can you make it?

You reached out for this light, as your lungs burned with low oxygen, your feet soar, and your legs screaming to stop moving.

"You can never escape.."

A voice rang through the flames, a disoriented one, tinted with insanity. The light immediately faded from your grasp. Due to you leaning forward in order to grasp it, you collapsed on the ground - wheezing for air.

As the black flames engulfed you in a matter of moments.


You gasped at the sudden burning sensation, but you could not scream - for the flames shot in your mouth. You felt your entire body burning from the inside, out.


Another voice called out to you. It wasn't as disoriented as before. It was soft, but firm.

Your vision was blurry, as the black flames engulfed your lungs and heart.


Your eyes shot open, gasping loudly - as you sat up almost immediately. Your eyes were hazy, cold sweat running down your face. Your lungs screamed for air, but not because there was fire, but because of your sudden awakening from that hellish dream. Feeling a soft hand rub your back caused you to look over next to you to see the one and only love you have.

"Sweetie, it was just a nightmare." Bill whispered softly, his eye showing absolute concern.

"...I.." You squeaked, tears forming in your eyes. Almost immediately, you pulled Bill to a tight hug - wrapping your arms around his neck. Bill seemed to expect a hug, as he immediately wrapped his arms around your back, stroking your hair.

"sshhh...it's okay. It's over..."

You have been experiencing nightmares for the past week, but it was never that horrifying. Bill is well aware of your streaks of nightmares - not only have you told him about them, but there were nights where he spotted you whimpering silently in your sleep.

"Take deep breaths, okay? When you're ready, tell me what happened this time?"

His calm, soft voice helps you calm down. No matter how many nightmares  you could get. Your breaths slowly turned to normal, your hands rested on his shoulders.

"I..I was running." You started, "...from this...this black flame that was chasing me not far behind. Apparently...I was running to this white light. But then the light faded, a-a-and the-" You choked up, your breaths shortening once more, and your hands tightening its grip on his shoulders.

"Deep breaths sunshine." Bill spoke firm, his grip on you tightened just a little. You did exactly as he said, although it took a while.

"T...The f-flames got to me....a-and it literally went inside of me.." You gulped, your entire body was shaking, "I-It went inside my mouth, a-and anywhere with an opening...a-and it - it felt so real - too real." Your voice was trembling.

"...You said black flames, right?" Bill asked softly.

"Y..Yeah, it was black flames." 

"Hmm..." He hummed, his fingers rubbing your back gently. He takes your nightmares seriously. There was never one time where he told you that its a nightmare and it has no meaning. There were times when he would take you over to an adviser, and have you discuss with them on your nightmares (of course Bill would be right next to you, he wanted to know too).

"...maybe the training has gotten to you..." you heard him mumble.

Ever since you got your powers, you had Bill help you control it. In other words: training. You managed to gain some control of it, you just need help on figuring out how to use it against others at the right time- which is what you're struggling in.

"I-Is it normal to g-get that nightmare if I train too much?" You asked

"If the nightmare is resulted by the training, that means your power is beyond anyone else's- which I doubt its true. To add on, you've been training for months, so this type of nightmare shouldn't be new." Bill answered. "So I don't think your nightmare was born by the training."

"So what do you think is causing it?" You asked softly.

"in all honesty, I don't know." He seemed pretty upset when he told you that. "Should we head to the adviser again?"

"I...I think we should." You nodded your head, feeling a small peck on the side of your head.


Bill always took your word over his. If you didn't feel comfortable doing something, he would make sure you won't go through it. Shakily sighing, you blankly stared at the mirror - located around 2 feet away from the bed. You never got a good look on your reflection ever since you got these nightmares.

And frankly, to be honest, you looked horrible.

Your skin was slowly regaining it's color, and your face was stained with tears.

I don't think Bill would want to train me today because of this...

Though you couldn't blame him - you didn't really want to train today. Besides, you felt a bit weak today.

Though these nightmares can't get worse....

can they?

//it's not too late to tell me what you think the plot should be!

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