~Chapter 11~

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Black flames consumed you once more, the pair of eyes in your view.

"Awww, you poor thing." The male smirked, "what did I tell you? I will be with you when no one is around you."

"Who...Who are you." You hissed

"Who am I?" The man looked shocked, "You should damn well know who I am."

"Kind of hard when I only see white eyes." Your eye twitched

"You don't recognize my voice?" The man smirked, "It's funny how dumb you are."

"Excuse me?!" You seethed as black flames coursed through your mouth. Your throat tried to lurch the flames out, causing you to gag.

"Hehe...watching you squirm is entertaining you know.." He mumbled something afterwards, getting your attention.

Once you translated his mumble, you perked up and stared at the man.

"Oh? Did I pull a bell?" The man asked, before everything faded to black.

You wearily opened your eyes with your head pounding. Your vision was a mess, looking around to see someone gently placing a wet towel on your forehead.

"Hey sweetie." Bill whispered softly, smiling. "How are you feeling?"

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" You mumbled,


"Like shit."

Bill laughed in response, "Well, that's what happens when you stay up all night."


"..Hey babe." He sat down beside you, his hands entangled with yours. "...Why do you hide things from me?"

"Pardon?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You don't tell me everything." He looked upset - truly he did.

"What did I not tell you?" You asked, your eyes widened just a little. Since when did I not tell him everything?

"...Sartho told me you told him you weren't feeling well, and of the attack yesterday." Bill spoke softly, his voice trembling just a little.

"..Who's Sartho?"

"The counselor who you saw earlier." Bill's answer caused you to jolt up.

"The counselor I saw ear- hold on-" Your hands immediately went to your head, experiencing a head-rush. Bill perked up, immediately holding you in place.


"I didn't tell him any of that." You shook your head, denying Sartho's words. Bill perked up,

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't tell him that some guy attacked us." You shook your head, "He already knew!"

"..How did he-"

"He told me the King told him, and they're holding up an investigation!"

"...Hold on." Bill shook his hands, his eye closed shut. "...Sartho told me-"

"And I didn't even tell him how I felt." You denied Sartho's other claim.

"....You didn't tell him your head was dizzy?"

"No-" Your skin turned pale, "..But my head was dizzy at the time."

Silence filled the room.

"...Then how the hell did he know." He mumbled, biting his lip and looked at the sheets.

"I...I don't know. The moment I entered the room I started having this sickening feeling-"

"Wait." Bill's eye looked at yours. "You felt that way the moment you entered the room?"


"Shit." He clenched his fists.

"..B-Bill why? What happened?" You asked, getting scared.

"...My dad came earlier." Bill sighed, "...and I ended up telling him what Sartho told me. After about an hour later, a maid comes back with a bowl of water and a towel, telling me that my dad wants me to put this on your head." He looked at the water bowl.

"Wait.." You looked at Bill, "...Could Sartho be the man who attacked us earlier?"

Silence filled the room.

"...(y/n)." Bill looked at you with sadness, "...Sweetie, I wish I could agree with you but there isn't enough evidence-"

"Something is in his room, right?" You asked, "I mean, look at me; how did I feel when I entered the room? Second off, your own dad - the King for crying out loud - sent a maid to give me this towel. So there must be something up with that counselor!" Several mind clicks came in your mind. "A-And if he's the man who attacked us, then he must have black flames. Then that means he's responsible for-"

"Sartho doesn't have black flames." King Percy came by. "He has green flames."

"Annnd he's back." Bill frowned.

"D-Do you know anyone who does have black flames?" You asked, watching the King shrug.

"No one here has black flames." The King shook his head.

"So an intruder?" Bill raised an eyebrow.

"Dunno." The King pouted, shrugging his shoulders. You felt one of Bill's nerves twitch at his fathers reply.

"But what did you find at Sartho's office?" Bill asked while trying to contain his anger.

"Stuff." King Percy replied.

Another twitch.

"....What kind of 'stuff'?" Bill asked and watched his father shrug his shoulders once more.

Another twitch.

"I'm oolllddd, I tend to forgettt" King Percy whined, smirking at Bill's reaction. Bill's eye twitched,

"....Uh huh." Bill seethed through clenched teeth.

"Well, an old man like me oughta leave." He stretched, "I just wanted to decline your sudden thought on Sartho being behind all this." He smirked, waltzing away.

"...I hate that man with all my might." Bill hissed. "He's worse than all the Pines family combined."

"Now now Bill." You gently patted his shoulder, "We can't relate your father to the Pines Family." You shook your head at the prince and watched him groan, gently resting his back against your chest and his head rested on your shoulder.

"He's a nuisance." Bill mumbled, his hand entangled on yours. You sighed, stroking his hair with one hand and the other mixed with Bill's hand.




The hooded man smirked at the scene of the 2 lovebirds,

"What shall I do?" He asked the other hooded man, who glared at them.

"...Make my Juliet fall to his fate." The other hooded man tossed him a tiny vile with liquid inside

"Yes my liege...." The hooded man smirked.

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