~Chapter 10~

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He hummed while swaying left and right. He continued doing so until he noticed you silent and easily movable.

"...Baby doll?" He whispered, getting no response. A small smile emerged on his lips, "...Baby boo?" He called again, getting no response. He bit his lip, containing his excitement. In his mind he's celebrating, but on the outside he calmly picked you up and walked out the door towards his room.

"Oh! Prince Bill! What happened to her?" Bill heard the counselor call. He turned around to see the counselor catching up with a concerned look on his face.

"She's sleeping." He answered calmly.

"The nightmares got to her that bad?!" The counselor was shocked, "Gotta prepare that small technique quickly."

"Technique?" Bill raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I want to help her out." He nodded his head,

"And what is this, technique, may I ask?" Bill turned his whole body towards the counselor. The counselor blinked, a smile forming on his lips.

"I am planning on having her re-encounter her nightmares!"

"...Pardon?" Bill blinked, staring at him.

"I am forming a device that will help her reach back to the nightmare and get to the bottom of it!" He clasps his hands together. "She made a very good point when she told me her nightmares may have started from this man who attacked yesterday."

"..She told you someone attacked her?"

"Yes, she did." The counselor nodded his head sadly. "That's why I want to help her with her nightmares while catching that sick bastard in the process."

"...Is that so.." Bill mumbled, "Hey, did she ever act strange when she was talking to you?" Bill asked

"Define strange."

"Tired? Looked out of it?"

"Well, now that you mentioned it...." He hummed in thought, "She did look pale, and she did mention her head was spinning."

"I see..." Bill's eye averted to the ground.

"She did not tell you?"

"No." Bill shook his head, his eye slowly averting to the sleeping beauty.

"...well, maybe she did not want to worry you."

"Yeah...maybe." Bill shrugged,

"Well, I hope she gets good rest." The counselor bid his farewell, walking off. Bill watched him leave with an eyebrow raised.

"...I swear he gets weirder every day..." He mumbled, "..especially now a days..."

~ ~

When he reached his room, he sat down on the bed and gently put you down. He sighed, looking at your sleeping form. She can tell someone she just met about how she feels, but not me...

He sighed, his hand gently held yours. "....I can help you too...just ask-"

"Jeeez what happened to her." a familiar voice came from the door, "She looks like a wreck."

Bill's eye twitched, "Fuck off dad."

"Mind your manners, a girl is here." King Percy crossed his arms, frowning. "Honestly, what happened to you being a gentleman?"

"What happened to you secluding yourself in your throne room and laughing at people's destruction?" Bill asked,

"I get bored after a while so I check up on the drama." King Percy answered, smirking and kicked himself off the wall. "Soooo what did you do to her~?"

"..Come again?" Bill asked, his head jerked to his father. King Percy raised an eyebrow, giving off a smug smile,

"She looks like she's been through a rough time..." He peered down on you, giving his son a look. "What did ya do?"

Bill got the gesture, his cheeks flourished in the color red.

"N-Nothing like that happened!!" Bill hissed

"So why is she a wreck? Mmmm, looks like she won't wake up from a mariachi band." King Percy mumbled, examining you. Bill growled, glaring at his father.

"She didn't sleep last night." Bill answered.

"She didn't?" King Percy looked at him, "Why?"

"She had another nightmare, and decided to stay awake for the rest of the night."

"...of course you know that." A smug look formed once more.

"...Because she told me after she collapsed." Bill answered with his teeth clenched, his cheeks turned red once more.

"She collapsed?" King Percy looked at you, "For staying up for a couple more hours than usual?"

"Yeah." Bill nodded his head, "...why? Do you not believe me? Wouldn't be surprise-"

"If she were to stay up all night she wouldn't pass out like this." King Percy mumbled.

"Well, everyone's different." Bill pointed out,

"Then she's one hell of a weakling." King Percy rolled his eye.

"Excuse me." Bill growled, "Might you know she's powerful than she loo-"

"Then she wouldn't black out for staying up for extra hours." King Percy glared at his son. "Where was she before she collapsed?" King Percy asked.

"She was with a counselor."

"Which one?"


"Ugh the weird one?" King Percy groaned while watching Bill nod.

"His weirdness is expanding though." Bill frowned, "He's gotten all yippy and yappy about her now a days."

"....oh has he.." King Percy mumbled, his eye latched onto you. Bill nodded,

"Yeah. He says he's making something for her to re-encounter her nightmares and fix them." Bill scoffed.

"....Is that right.."

"Yeah. Weird right? I mean, how is that-"

"Bill, do me a solid." King Percy spoke while not looking at his own son. Bill looked at his father, blinking.


"Don't allow her to see the counselor until I say otherwise."


"Trust me on this part." King Percy chuckled lightly, getting up and headed for the door.

"And if I don't?" Bill smirked,

"...Then I'll tell the staff you and your sleeping princess had one hell of a night~" King Percy smirked, watching his son's entire face go red.

"I told you we didn't-" Bill was stopped when he heard his father laugh and close the door.

"...Why is he such a sadist.." Bill mumbled, his eye averted to you while frowning.

Why did he ask Bill to not allow you to see Sartho?


Sartho hummed while cleaning his desk, when he heard a knock.

"Coooming~" Sartho hummed, walking to the door and opening it, immediately bowing.

"My liege.." Sartho greeted the King, allowing him inside.

"...I want to talk to you." King Percy looked at the counselor, smirking.

//i am expecting comments -

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