~Chapter 3~

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"A-Are you sure he's going to come?" You asked, feeling a little uncomfortable in this outfit.

The reason? Simple.

You didn't really wear anything but your under garments, and Pyronica had you wear thigh-socks.

"Oh I am sure he'll come." Pyronica nodded her head, giving you an assured look.

"D-Do you think it'll work?"

"I'm positive." Her assured look was glued to her face, her head still bobbing up and down.

"If he doesn't come within a minute I am changing back, okay?" You gulped, feeling relieved when you saw her nod.


"Good.." You whispered softly.

Barely a minute was passed when you saw Bill - dashing towards you. Rather than him running to you, he bolted to Pyronica - his cheeks completely red.


"Whaaatt?" Pyronica asked 'innocently'.


"Well I remember one time you told me you wouldn't mind having her wear that." Pyronica answered, "So I figured; why not have your dreams come true?"


"Drunk in loooove"


"Doesn't she look cute though?" Pyronica asked frowning. Bill didn't even consider on looking at you.


"Whaat?" Pyronica shrugged her shoulders, "I think she looks cute."

Without any words, Bill took off his jacket - turned around and wrapped it around you. He then looked back at Pyronica - his cheeks still stained in the color red.

"P-Pyronica please have her clothes back." Bill pleaded.

"I will...if you give her training back~"

"Oh why you little-"

"Come on Bill, she doesn't want to hold off training because of some nightmares." Pyronica sighed,

"These nightmares aren't meant to be left alone."

"Come on Bill, give the poor girl some training." Pyronica crossed her arms. "She wants to be trained."

"....Do I look cute?" You finally managed to speak.

Yeah. Out of this entire conversation, you were mainly concerned about of how you look. The way Bill was reacting, you felt as if you didn't look good enough. Pyronica stared at you, in surprise.

"...(y/n)..." She mumbled, her eye narrowing just a little. Bill was silent, before giving a deep breath and looked at you directly in the eye.

"Yes. You do, but I don't want you wearing stuff like this." Bill spoke softly.

"Excuse me." Pyronica looked offended. Bill's eye averted to the girl.

"You're excused."

"You told me you wouldn't mind her wearing that."

"...That was before I realized a lot of things." Bill answered, clenching his fists.

"Realized a lot of things?" Pyronica blinked, confused.

She may be confused, but you weren't.

You knew what he meant.

"...L-Let's just head back." You gulped, not wanting this small argument to accelerate. Bill sighed, taking your word and gently took your hand.

"Can you at least train her again?" Pyronica asked, her arms crossed. Bill stiffened, taking another deep breath and looked at you

"You dressed up in this so I'd train you, right?"

"Y-Yeah.." You nodded, watching him take a sigh.

"...Fine, we continue in 3 days." Bill mumbled, looking at Pyronica.

Then headed back to the castle.

~ ~

You gulped, sitting on the bed. The entire time of the walk, neither you nor Bill talked. Whenever you tried to talk to him, he wouldn't respond to you. Bill was leaning on the door - hair covering his eye.

"...I knew it was a bad idea." You mumbled to yourself, your arms covered your chest. "I-It's okay if you don't want to train me." You slowly got up, your hands were shaking.

I messed up...

"I-I mean I can wait a month. I mean it's what you want."

I messed up big time.

I shouldn't have agreed to doing this.

Suddenly you were pushed down to the bed. Giving a small gasp, you look to see Bill lying ontop of you.

"....I didn't mean on when I said you looked cute." Bill spoke in a low tone. "You look sexy as hell."

Your cheeks flourished in the color red.

"Do you realize how close I was to losing?" Bill asked, his breaths heavy. "I wanted to sweep you away from there and do whatever I pleased. But I couldn't because Pyronica was in the way."

"S-So you're not mad at her?" You squeaked.

"Hell no, in fact I was praising her in my mind." He spoke honestly. "At this rate I would have you not train for a year in order to see you wearing this." He bit his lip, examining you. "My Goodness I am not regretting the decision on postponing that training."

You gulped, your cheeks drained in red.

"B-But am I training-"

"I wasn't lying when I said you'd be training in 3 days." Bill shook his head.


"And the reason why I wasn't able to talk was because I was trying to-" He stopped, taking a breather.

"M-Maybe I should change so you could uh...get ahold of yourself." You suggested.

"..Wait." Bill's hands gripped yours. "....Stay quiet for me okay?"

"...Uh..Okay-" You blinked.

A solid 10 minutes of silence filled. Your eyes were watching his eye moving around your costume. Your instincts were up and alarmed.

"...if any funny business-"

"I know." Bill nodded, before taking in a deep breath.

"...Next time you wear this, it tells me you're ready." He whispered, before leaving the room - allowing you to change. You gulped, sitting up.

"...well okay then." You whispered to yourself, grabbing your and put them on. As you finished up putting them on, you heard the door creak.

"Bill?" You called out, looking at the door. "Bill is that you?" You blinked, taking a step towards the door.

Wait a minute.

You froze, staring at the door to see someone staring at you in silence. You stiffened, your eyes locked onto this figure.

This isn't Bill.

The way this man looked at you, the gaze showed other plans.

"...who are you." You mumbled, taking a step back. The man examined you slowly, before walking off in silence. You bolted to the door, opening it and walked out. Your heart-rate increased as you stared at the direction on where the man left off to.

...Who was he?

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