~Chapter 26~

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A house was broken into with the family dead.

From the mother, to the father, to the kids, to the infants.

The walls written in their blood;


Percy raised an eyebrow, "'Your move'.." He mumbled the bloody words.

"Do you know what that means?" A guard asked

"If I did I wouldn't tell you." Percy mumbled in response. The guard perked up with a raised eyebrow

"...Come aga-"

"Just kidding." Percy gave a sarcastic smile, "I don't know."

"P-Please don't joke around in situations like these." The guard sighed,

"You ain't my boss." Percy rolled his eye. "..Call the humans over, see if they know."

"Yes Your Majesty." The guard bowed,

"Wait, call the smart one." Percy looked at the guard,

"...Who is the smart one?" The guard asked

"...Good question...." Percy mumbled, "...Call the one that allowed Bill to run around Earth with his Weirdmageddon." Percy told the guard. The guard nodded. Percy looked at the guard and watched him get Stanford.

"You called- Oh God.." Stanford covered his mouth with his hand upon seeing the scene. "This is a horrible sight..."

"...Yeah." Percy mumbled. Stanford looked at Percy and raised an eyebrow. He noticed Percy seemed...a little off.

"...You okay-"

"Soooo..." Percy clasped his hands together and smirked at the man. "Know what this means~?" He asked.

"I wish I knew." Stanford shrugged, "If I knew I would let you know ahead of time."

"Mmmm...." Percy groaned and looked at the bloody words once more. "Waaaiiit, you said David did this, right?" Percy looked at the guard.


"How do you know that?" Stanford asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Who else would terrorize a random family?" The guard asked.

"...Good point." Stanford sighed

"If David did this call (y/n) over." Percy sighed. "She would probably know." He watched the guard leave.

"What makes you think she does?" Stanford asked

"She's a smart girl." Percy answered, "I have a small feeling this girl did a stealthy move."

"How would she do th-"

"Dear Satan you think I'm Sherlock or something?" Percy raised an eyebrow, "I dunno."

"I have a feeling you are the type who would know but wouldn't say." Stanford raised an eyebrow

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Percy shrugged, "If you were to ask anyone that question, you can ask literally any one else."

"I brought (y/n) sir." The guard came in with you following.

"What is- Oh." You turned pale upon seeing the walls.

"Yeah someone did a little decorating in the house and it may or may not be caused by David." Percy did his little version of the scenario.

"T...This is-"

"Horrible, Cruel, Brutal, yeah yeah yea we get it." Percy had a dead-panned face, "Do you know why he put these particular words?"

"...No." You lied, "I don't know why he put these words here." You looked at Percy dead in the eye.

"ooohh, really~?" Percy's eye perked, a smirk appeared on his face. "Huh...pity..figured you'd know something." He pouted, "This is a puzzle hard to solve."

"David is a random fellow." Stanford sighed

"..does that even make sense?" Percy raised an eyebrow

"He tends to do random things all the time.." Stanford seemed to ignore Percy's words.

"...'David is a random fellow'.." Percy mumbled, then looked at a guard, "Does that sound grammatically correct to you?" He whispered to the guard

"I am not an expert on grammar, King Percy." The guard whispered back.

"You're no help." Percy rolled his eye and looked back at Stanford. "For now let's have the guards take photos of this house and we'll discuss it at the castle."

"Alright." Stanford nodded his head. "Let's head back, (y/n)."

"Okay." You nodded your head and walked out with Stanford.

"..I'll call the rest over to take photos." The guard bowed and headed out.

"....As I said.." Percy sighed to himself, a smirk grew on his face, "...she's a smart girl."

~ ~

You made it back with Stanford to the castle.

"What was it?" Dipper asked.

"It was..." Stanford cleared his throat. "..David attacked a home."

"He did what?!" Stanley gasped.

"Just some random home!?" Mabel covered her mouth. You took a breath and nodded,

"...Yeah." You bit your lip.

"Wow what a dick." Mabel crossed her arms

"Mabel!" Dipper shot a look at his twin

"Whattt? It's true." Mabel frowned.

"You don't say words like that!" Dipper crossed his arms.

"Aw come on, let the kiddo say what she wants." Stanley looked at Dipper, "It's not like she'll say it every day."

"What if she does!?" Dipper looked at his Grunkle. "It's a bad word!"

"Dipper's right." Stanford nodded his head. "She can't say that word."

"Hey, where did (y/n) go?" Mabel looked around to see you gone.

"...Hey, wasn't Bill here just a second ago?" Stanley asked.

Wow, a couple went missing. Mabel gave off a look "...Oh hell no."

"What?" Dipper looked at Mabel,

"Don't tell me they're doing a *ship name* moment..."

"Well they are a couple Mabel." Stanford looked at Mabel.

"...and iM NOT THERE!" Mabel stomped her foot and ran out the room, "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS! YOU CAN'T GO ALL SECRETIVE ON ME!" She screamed. The boys held a massive facepalm.




Theo was standing before a desk with the back of the chair facing him.

"Master David? Are you alright? Ever since you-"

"Start the next move my little pawn." David snapped.

"So soon?" Theo blinked.

"Do it now." David growled,

"....Yes sir." Theo nodded his head. As he was about to leave, his eyes glance over to see a broken pair of binoculars on the desk. Finding it best not to ask David (especially at this time), Theo left the room to start the second move.

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