~Chapter 31~

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The moment you knew the plan you bolted out the door to find Percy. You heard a pair of footsteps, probably Bill.

"King Percy!" You called out his name in hopes to get his attention. Come on, Percy shows up after the name Jesus was mentioned and now he's gone?! Does he like hide and seek or something?!

"King Percy please!" You pleaded and halted for breath. Bill caught up to you worried,

"Babe what in the world-"

"I know what he's planning!" You looked at Bill, "And there isn't much time!"

"What do you-"

"Just call your dad! He is in danger!" You looked at the halls infront of you, "King Percy!"

"....Father!" Bill called out his dad. You frowned, the moment he is needed he's gone. What are you doing wrong? You were sure you were loud enough-

"Call me Percy."

You perked up and looked at the halls.

"..Percy!" You called out his name. Bill perked up and looked at you,

"...Did you just call him by-"

"Yeeeesss?" Percy opened the nearest door with a smirk.

"Wha- are you serious?" Bill was shocked,

"Percy...you...you are in danger."

"Ooh I love danger what is it?" Percy looked excited.

"Dav...David wants to kill you and take the throne!" You spoke with your voice trembling.


"When he says 'Midnight Over the Garden Wall', he means outside the castle walls at midnight." You started to explain his small riddle. Percy had you sit down in your/Bill's room. Percy was leaning against a wall and Bill was sitting beside you in silence.

"When he mentions Rosewell's lie and a little fight, he is recalling over to you and him fighting again, but this time with a risk. That's when he says even though 2 will fight, 1 will be victorious with the kingdom all to himself. In a nutshell he wants a rematch and he has no intention on losing." You shook your head, "He not only wants you dead but the kingdom as well."

"....That's pretty reasonable...but why would he want the kingdom?" Bill asked,

"...To make you his slave." Percy looked at you. The room was silent with a disturbed aura. You felt uncomfortable and shifted a little. You had no idea that could be one of the reasons, but what other reason is there?

"...maybe he wants to be King?" You nervously suggested

"Come on, (y/n)." Percy rolled his eye, "I'm sure the term 'King' is something he would ignore. He wants that power to make you his slave. And you know what I mean when I say that word." Percy sounded so serious it disturbed you. You never saw Percy this serious. Sure, he did talk to you when you were distraught, and he talked about his late wife but he was never as serious as he is at this moment. You glanced at Bill and shuddered in fear. He was frozen in place, his fists clenched together with his chin rested on them. It wasn't the posture that scared you.

It was his look.

He had this evil glare staring into nothing, as if he was in deep thought. You watched his eye narrow, and his eye changed completely. Instead of a white surrounding, a black aroma filled in, with his pupil turned red as blood. Even though his hair covered most of his eye you could see it. You shifted away from him just a little. Percy seemed to notice this, as he looked at Bill with his eye narrowed.

"Bill." Percy spoke, his voice held a dark tone. "Hell to Bill, you're scaring her."

Bill's eye perked up, the black aroma fading almost immediately and his pupil changed back to black. His eye slowly reverted to you and noticed your expression. His eye softened for the first time in a while.

"..Sorry about that." Bill whispered softly.

"N-No no it's okay." You assured everything was alright, then looked at Percy

"...S-So what do we do?" You asked.

"...What do we do..." Percy hummed, "...I'll get you on that. Give me a second." Percy rubbed the temples in his forehead and walked out in silence. You watched Percy leave with concern. You had no idea on what to do honestly. You figured out his plan, and that sent shivers down your spine. The fact of how only you can figure out his plan concerned you - are you that similar to him? Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a little weight against your shoulder.

"...We'll get through this, okay?" Bill whispered softly in your ear. You blinked and rested your head against his.


You hoped so.


"So what do we do now?" A counselor asked Percy. Percy was staring out at the kingdom through a window.

"What do we do?" Percy asked and cracked his knuckles.

"....David wants a fight, he's got one."



David was staring out at the castle with a big smile,

"It's coming..." He sang to himself, and glanced at Theo, "Let's give this battle a little...'push'.."

Theo grinned, "...Of course."

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