~Chapter 20~

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Your black vision slowly faded into color as you slowly woke up. With your surroundings being unknown caused you to panic just a little. Where are you? It looked to be a vast room, with various beds. All the sheets had the color white, with the blue moonlight shining over it. You sat up to look around. Ah, the wall structure looked too familiar to you. You were at the castle, probably the infirmary. Your head started to go dizzy, your vision with slight haze. What the heck happened? The last thing you remembered was walking with Mai over to some place and then everything went black.

A nurse walked in and saw you awake. She gasped and ran over to you.

"M-My Lady it's best to lie down!" She insisted and tried to put you back to the bed.

"W-Wait hold on." You shook your head, "What..What happened?" You asked.

"What do you mean what happened?"

"Wh-What am I doing here?" You asked, "How did I get here?"

"Bill came by with you in his arms. He couldn't explain to us, he was in a hurry."

"Bill- Where is he? I-Is he okay?" You grasped the nurse's arms with your eyes widened. The nurse flinched, her eyes averted elsewhere.

"...Prince Bill....uh...sort of collapsed."

"H-H-He what?!" You lost your voice and your skin lost color.

"T-The King carried him here. R-Right now he is in his room-" She was interrupted when you gently put her aside and jumped out of the bed. "A-Ah My Lady you need to rest!" She tried to chase after you but was soon interrupted.

"...Let her." A male voice told the nurse.

You went down the halls and straight to the room. With some breaths you opened the doors to see the doctor sitting by.

"Ah, you're awake." The doctor clasped his hands together.

"D...Doctor.." You gasped for breath, "W...What happened?"

"What happened.." The doctor bit his lip, "...Are you sure you want to know that?"

"...Yes." You nodded, closing the door behind you. "What happened...why was I knocked out - or how? How did Bill coll-"

"He's back." The doctor looked at you dead in the eye.

"W...What?" You looked confused. Who? Who is back? Who is he-

Your skin lost complete color when your mind clicked. If Mabel were here she'd call you a ghost. Your legs lost strength at this point sending you to the floor.

"...N-No.." You shook your head with tears in your eyes. "T...That's not.."

"He was about to take you off until the King came by." The doctor explained, "Thanks to the King, Bill brought you here. The King and David fought, and then Bill chimed in. Unfortunately he used up a lot of his power and collapsed." Finished the doctor. Tears fell down to the ground.

"W....When was he-"

"The King did not answer that question." The Doctor shook his head, "I wish I knew too, but it's sort of classified."

".....o-oh.." You gulped, your voice now dry. ".....I....It's all my fault.." You whispered,

"What? Since when?" The doctor raised an eyebrow as he packed up. He appeared to be finished with his work. "You can't blame yourself for this."

"....I...If I.."

"...You need time." You heard the Doctor advise. "For now, let's catch up on getting better. Then we can talk with the King about-"

"If I had gone with him home when he was alive none of this would've happened." You spoke with no second thoughts.


".......I'll see you later, My Lady." The doctor excused himself. "....You need to clear your head." He spoke and closed the doors behind him.

...But it's true and you know it, Doctor.

Strangely enough, the Demon's words went through your brain.

"Think right, sweetie~" David smirk grew wide. "Come with me.." He reached out for you, "...make the right choice.."

You remembered those words. That was when Bill was in that strange drug and David made a deal with you. Either you come home with him or have Bill dead by that chainsaw. But why are you thinking of that now?

"...Just come with me." You heard an disoriented male voice call out. You perked up and noticed a familiar figure staring down at you.

You knew who it was the moment you saw him. It was David. However he looked....new. You looked up at the illusion your brain made.

"The more you stay here the more danger they all get into." The David huffed while crossing his arms. "If you surrender to me then they would be all good to go."

You stared at this illusion in silence.

"Come on, it's so easy" The spirit scoffed, "Just walk over and take my hand. That simple. Then poof - everyone won't have a problem." The apparition stared at you, smirked, then walked around you. He took a knee and rested his head against your shoulder, a smirk grew.

"You know why everyone's problems will go poof?" It whispered, "Because you're igniting some unnecessary problem for everyone to take care of. If you weren't here then all that will just fly away." It's hand slid up against your hair, "You're nothing but a problem to everyone here, so why not leave to make them happy?"

Leave to make them happy.

I'm the problem?

"Oh yeah, 100 percent." It was as if this illusion read your mind. "You're the problem, so take this advice." The apparition stood up and stared down at you, "Leave here and come to me. Make things easier for all of us." The apparition vanished in sight moments after his statement.

You stared at the place where 'David' vanished off. So if you leave, everything will end? Bill would be safe? Your legs finally got strength for you to stand up. Without any words, you turned around and opened the door to leave....once and for all.

However someone was standing in the way and had you bump into them.

"You look like Casper." King Percy raised an eyebrow.

"...Move asi-"

"You look like you're going to cry." King Percy bent a little forward to take a good look at you. "What's up?"

"...J-Just leave me-" You tried to push your way out of his path but he held you down.

"By the way, heard what you told the doctor." King Percy narrowed his eye, "...Let's talk."

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