~Chapter 36~

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The Princess and the Demon hopped on trees, eye contact never breaking. After certain amounts of hops, a pink lion would spring an attack but a black snake pranced forward and knocked the lion down.It wasn't long before you launched yourself at the floor, ran forward and followed David. David took a step back, launched himself toward you and tackled you to the ground. During that process, you hit your head against a tree. If you were a mortal you would've gotten a concussion.

"You think you're bold?" David hissed and looked at your chest, "Funny because you look sexy when you're like this."

"And you look like a dick." You smirked and kneed him in between his legs. David let go of you almost immediately and when he did so you head-butted him and kicked him off. David was slammed against the nearest tree, a big and thick one at that. David laughed,

"You're as clever as I am you know?" David huffed and stood up, "...yet you fight just like your mother."

"Don't bring mom into this!" You charged forward with 2 big pink whips and attacked him. He pulled out 2 black whips and slashed against your whips. After a couple of slashes, a pink lion charged once more and bit David to the ground. David hissed,

"You know what's funny" David pulled himself up and summoned 3 black giant spiders, "You think you're so powerful because of some guy."

"Oh really?" You tilted your head and another lion was summoned. "You think you're so powerful because of some girl."

"you aren't just any girl." David huffed, "You're someone special."

"So is Bill." You smirked. David glared at you and snapped his fingers for the spiders to charge. The lions charged ahead, chomped away the spiders and attacked David yet again. David coughed up blood,

"...So was your mother."

That caused you to stop.


"...When I saw Karen I knew it was her." David admitted, "Yeah...that's right. I loved your mother.." He nodded his head. In the corner of your eye, you saw something white, screaming at you but your eyes were focused on the Demon

"...back in the day...I wanted her to be mine no matter what." David spoke with a wide smile, "...and to be honest when I saw you, you looked so much like her when she was little."

You felt disgusted and took a step back. The lions snarled at him.

"...What does this have to do with-"

"So it is a shame..." David hummed, "...that I have to do the same thing on what I did to Karen not long ago..."

"...and what is that?" You asked and took another step back.

"..I have to kill her again." David glared and snapped his finger. You felt something latch behind you, a black spider. You felt it burn inside your body as you screamed in pain. The burning sensation was rather...familiar.

Wait a minute...

The nightmares you had previously.

You remembered it well.

you collapsed on the ground - wheezing for air.

As the black flames engulfed you in a matter of moments.

You gasped at the sudden burning sensation, but you could not scream - for the flames shot in your mouth. You felt your entire body burning from the inside, out. ​​​​​​​


".....You think that this can break me down?" You asked and clenched your fists. The white light from the corner of your eye screamed more and more, as it looked like 2 figures standing in the corner, concerned.

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