~Chapter 4~

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You were standing outside your room, staring at the direction where this mysterious man left off to. You knew it wasn't Bill, it had to be someone else.

Bill's dad?

No, he wouldn't peer over and stare at you in silence, would he? Can a king do that? No, I am sure that a king is always busy, so he can't stare at me like that.

....So who else could it be?

Your skin lost its color, as your brain thought of the only man other than the King who would give you that look. Your body shook, your hands trembling.

No way...no....no way it can't be him...he's dead- Bill killed him.

Your eyes began to scatter all over - glancing at all directions. What if this man is still lingering around? Maybe you can find him if you followed him.

Your eyes narrowed, staring at the direction the man left at. If you followed him, what would you do? Would you be able to catch up? You were frozen in place for a while - so the man probably got away. But what if he went another way around, so confuse you?

What if he's still staring at you?

Such a thought caused you to freeze - your legs almost losing strength. It was as if on cue, you felt a presence lurking close to you. Your breaths turned heavy and short, tears threatening to fall.


You gasped loudly, turning around completely - almost falling in the process. Your eyes were in a blur, but you were able to figure out who it is.

"....Darling what's wrong?" Bill asked, growing concerned. Your hands covered your mouth, your shoulders shaking - as you bolted at him, wrapping your arms around his back. Bill appeared taken-aback, he never saw you like this before. Yeah, you may have reacted to the nightmares, but you weren't taking a nap, nor were you sleeping. And you never showed this kind of a reaction to them. After a moment of realizing the situation, he wrapped his arms around your waist in return. He decided not to speak - not yet. Just by seeing you in a wreck, he found it best to not ask what happened until you calmed down at least a little - to be able to talk. You didn't cry, neither did you weep. However tears did fall, and you were trembling.

~ ~

"A man was staring at you?" Bill asked, quite angry as he repeated your words. As of right now, Bill escorted you back to the room. He had you lie down on the bed, while not letting go of you in the process. You nodded, biting your lip.

"I noticed it after I changed and heard the door open just a little."

"Did you catch his image?"

"N-No, I wasn't." You shook your head, "All I saw was his eyes."

Bill raised an eyebrow, "You didn't see what he looked like, but you saw his eyes?"

"The door was open just a little, and his body was entirely in black if I recall." You answered.

"...It was probably that bastard of a dad." Bill jerked his head to the door, glaring.

"Isn't he busy?" You asked,

"Well, father is full of surprises." Bill sighed, annoyed. "He can slither some time."

"But why would he.."

"It's like I said earlier, he will do anything to have you talk to him." Bill bit his lip (BilltoldyouinanOVAinthepreviousbook....youshouldreaditifyouhavent; )

"...By staring at me?" You asked

"....That is what's concerning me." Bill rested his chin against your head. "He isn't the type to stare in silence..especially if the result is you having a heart attack."

"He wouldn't?" You stiffened just a little, "...What would he do?"

"He would leave various hints." Bill answered, "He would leave notes, have some maidens tell you of his interest to speak to you.." Bill counted them off, "However he wouldn't stare. He isn't fond of coming in person to tell you he wants to talk. He's a lazyass." Bill shrugged. You gulped, biting your lip.

"..So in all honesty I am not sure who that could be - which concerns me." Bill tightened his grip on you just a little. "Could it be a counselor? They do come personally to check.." He mumbled.

"...What if.." You gulped. "...it's him?"

Silence fell in the room.

"....Sunshine." Bill's voice changed just a little. "..He's dead."

"I-I mean, he vanished without a trace.." Your voice trembled, "S-So maybe-"

"David is dead." Bill's voice was stern, his grip on you tightened. "You saw it as well as I did."

"...Right." You mumbled. Bill's grip loosened when he heard you agree with him.

"...I will have a guard check on the situation, okay?" Bill asked, "We'll find this weird guy."

"...Okay." You nodded. The door opened just a little, a maiden appearing.

"...Miss (y/n)?" The maiden called you. You blinked, getting off of Bill's embrace.

That's first, they never call me.

"Yes?" You asked.

"....The king wishes to speak-"

"No." Bill interrupted the maiden, shooting up. The maiden perked up, looking at the prince.

"...M-My prince-"

"She won't be seeing him." Bill shook his head, staring at the girl. "Tell him she won't be coming."

The maiden took a deep breath, "..He also wishes to speak with you."

"Then he will be seeing me and me only." Bill hopped off the bed, crossing his arms. The maiden bit her lip,

"...The king said that if he doesn't see her, he will come in person to take her."

The aura changed almost immediately. Even with the silence, you could sense the fear and anger filling in the room.

"...We'll see about that." Bill smirked, looking at you. "You're staying here." He firmly spoke, leaving the room afterwards. The maiden bowed, leaving you alone in the room - as the door closed.

Bill would do anything to have you away from his father, and he told you why. (ifyoudon'tknowwhy.... ) However, if the maiden calls you over and tells you the king wishes to speak to you...

Your back fell against the bed sheets - a loud sigh fell across your lips.

"...Oh well..I guess I'll stay here-" You were interrupted when you heard a knock from the door.

"...That was quick" You shot up, staring at the door in surprise. "...Come in."

"...(y/n), right?"

You froze - that isn't Bill.

The door opened wide, seeing a tall male enter the room. A crown shined on his head - a large cape.

He looked like Bill, but he wasn't. He had yellow hair that covered one eye, as he wore a king's outfit - pure yellow and black. A smug smile formed on his lips.

"...I would like to speak with you." King Percy Cipher, father of Bill Cipher, spoke with you.

In person. Exactly of what the maiden warned.

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