~Chapter 34~

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Lightning struck the area with flames of red and black would smack together.

David lunged forward with 2 big black whips and a wide smile. He clashed against Percy who slid down and caused him to trip. Once David lost balance, Percy head-butted David and kicked his side to knock David down. David shot up and punched Percy hard in the face, lured another whip and attacked him. Percy flew to the nearest tree, hopped onto another and lunged at David. David lunged towards Percy in hopes to take care of him then and there. Surprisingly, Percy launched himself into the air the moment he was around 5 feet close to David. He launched himself behind David and pulled a thick, red whip and slashed his back twice. David wasn't expecting that, and as a result, he screamed in agony. Before David could pull any more tricks, Percy had his thick whip wrap around David's waist and yanked him forward. The moment David was close to Percy, the King slammed his hand against David's back with red fire surrounding his hand. David screamed once more, louder than the last he did and Percy slammed him against the floor. The whip still remained intact as David growled.

"Awww, what's wrong~," Percy asked with a smirk, "Did things not go as you wanted them to be?"

David gave a growl and lunged forward only to be yanked to the other side of Percy - the whip wrapped tight around his waist.

"You know....at this rate you can be a yo-yo." Percy blinked, "If I could fly then I would do so. I mean, seeing of how you flew across me with my whip over here, I am sure you would be a successful yo-yo."

David twitched and slowly got up, "Oh...Is that so.." David panted. "Then would you like me to test it?!"

"And how do you-"

Around David circulated nothing but black, as around the aura little creatures emerged and bolted to the King. Percy saw this as a threat and immediately charged at the creatures, removing the whip in the process. At first, when David released these creatures, he suspected they'd be some sort of rope. By predicting that, he immediately destroyed the creatures and glanced over to see David gone.

His prediction was wrong.

David used those creatures as a distraction. In actuality, he was in the air with a black thick rope ready. The rope attached itself to the King and yanked him forward straight to David. David waited until Percy was close, and when so, David flew to the ground. By following the laws of inertia, the rope tightened hard against the King and pulled him back to the ground. When Percy was close to the ground, David threw himself up to have the rope slam the King to the ground then yank him back up.

It was like that for a good couple of times.

After Percy was yanked up in the air, David flew to the ground and waited for him this time. Due to no pressure being made, the rope pulled Percy loosely to the ground. David held deep breaths as he slowly approached the King who was lying still on the ground.

"You see?" David panted with a smirk, "It was possible for a small yo-yo."

"...and I thank you for that." Percy lowly mumbled and lunged forward. Before David could react, Percy again head-butted the Demon and swerved David to the ground. By doing so, the black rope was released from the King. Percy smirked and snapped his fingers. By snapping his fingers, small red creatures surrounded David and kept him on the ground.

"And you know what's even better than a body yo-yo?" Percy asked with a smirk.

"...What's that?" David scoffed.

"...A yo-yo with a heart." Percy's foot slammed on David's chest, his foot aimed for the Demon's heart. Percy's foot lightened a little with his red flames, and David gave a scream. His foot sank lower into his chest,

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