~Chapter 28~

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Percy groaned and slid down his seat in the Throne Room.

"Your Majesty..." A counselor sighed, "Please sit up."

"No." Percy answered, "I'm bored."

"...My liege.." Another counselor pinched the bridge of his nose, "...We are in a war right now."

"I know."

"...With your son's girlfriend's father."

"I know."

"...and you're here, sliding down your position, because you're bored."

"...Yeah." Percy nodded, "Is there a problem to that?"

"...Yes sir. At this rate you'll fall."

"So?" Percy raised an eyebrow at the counselor talking back to him.

"..Why-" The counselor was interrupted by another bumping his shoulder.

"It's no use, Let him do what he wants."


The doors were soon blasted open, as Bill walked into the room. Percy's groan grew loud,

"What do you want."

"I want an update." Bill answered, "What are we going to do now?"

"I dunno." Percy shrugged, "I have to wait."

"Excuse me?" Bill was shocked, "David is running loose and you're just going to sit there and do nothing?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Percy nodded

"Wha-" Bill was taken aback, "Are you serious?"

"No, I'm your dad." Percy was literally off his seat and on the floor.

"We're waiting for the Commander to reply." A counselor came in, "It will take some time-"

"Enough time for David to start his next move. We have to strike immediately."

"Haha, you watched too much Medieval movies when you were young, so that sort of explains your persistence." Percy slid back into his seat slowly. "Sorry to burst your ignorance but not everything goes under a snap. You need patience." Percy spoke,

"So you mean to tell me we will move like snails in a war?" Bill asked, narrowing his eye,

"Haha, that'd be funny." Percy chuckled, "But no. As I said earlier, you need patience for victory. Like you wanting kids and (y/n) says no because you guys aren't married yet."

"...Yet." Bill mumbled, his cheeks had a light pink color. "But what does that have to do with-"

"I feel as if you paid attention to me the moment I said 'kids'." Percy had his eye narrowed in disappointment. "In order for things to go well, you need patience. Not everything can go well in a minute....well, except for proposal I dunno."

"What your father is trying to say, is not everything can go well quickly. You need patience to achieve things at it's best." A counselor chimed in

"Phew, thank you." Percy mumbled, "What he said, uh, what's your name?"

"...Brando." The counselor sighed.

"Take the day off Brando." Percy shooed the counselor off, "And you too little boy." He looked at Bill. "Leave me to die of boredom for another hour."


"you're still here?" Percy groaned, and slid off his seat once again. "Do I have to resort to force?"

"Fine.." Bill had his fists clenched as he stormed out the Room.

"Finally...it's quiet." Percy sighed of relief. It wasn't long before he started to groan again which caused a groan from nearby counselors. Some guards gave a light chuckle.


Bill slammed the door open in the room where you were. You looked at Bill

"...I'm guessing nothing happened."

"Yeah. Literally." Bill nodded his head."He was sliding out of his seat."

"...He was?" You blinked,

"Yep. Hard to believe, but trust me, he was."


"I don't understand, David could be already forming his next plan and here we are, sitting for nothing." Bill paced around the room, "So much could've been done. I don't know why he's waiting for the Commander. Maybe while he's waiting, he can talk with the counselors and see what he can do. They're there for a reason." Bill ranted, "But noooo, not my stupid dad. He will find any reason to be bored and do nothing. Even if the entire Kingdom is at risk, he'll be just sitting there not giving a damn."

"Now now, I don't think if the kingdom was in a risk, he'd do such a thing." You got up and hoped to stop Bill from pacing.

"I bet you he would. Ooh when I'm King, I would hope to do anything in my power to stop any threat from taking another step."

"But what if apart of his step, is to wait?" You asked,

"No, I doubt it." Bill shook his head. "He could get so much done while waiting, and here he is sitting there acting like a sloth. What kind of King is he?"

"Yeah, what kind of King is he.." A voice rang out from outside, in the balcony. The voice was so familiar. Bill immediately hugged you in protection from the source, blue flames made a circle around you and Bill.

"I mean, it'd be better if you were king, right?" David was sitting on a chair, smirking.

"You have 5 seconds to get the hell out of here." Bill threatened.

"Now now, is that how you're going to treat me? I am her father after all." David glanced at you. Bill blocked you from David's sight completely.

"By name, not by figure."

"Rude." David frowned,

"Your 5 seconds is up." Bill growled,

"Man you're mean." David had a scrunched up face, "I'm just here to talk."

"There is no need for talk, get the hell out of here unless you want to face my Dad, and I'm pretty sure he would love to beat your ass again."

"As much as I would love to fight your dad, that's not what I am here for." David gave a small smirk, "I am here to talk."

"Talk on what?!"

"Midnight, Over the Garden Wall, in the Rosewell's lie a little fight awaiting to reply." David sighed, "Although two may come, one will leave with a victorious reign over the Kingdom of ale."

"...What in the name of-"

"Until then I'll be watching you~!" David winked and hopped off. Bill growled,

"...only I can say that." Bill mumbled.

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