~Chapter 24~

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//heads up; She does not die the same way as Martha did.

It was at a garden in the castle, a beautiful garden, as some gardeners were doing their jobs happily. As they did their jobs, they would occasionally glance over to check on a certain little boy trying to impress his mother.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look on what I can do!" The little Demon Prince smiled wide at his parents and pulled out 2 whips successfully. The father exploded in applause with a big smile on his face,

"Finally you did it." Percy rooted for his son. The woman bit her lip as she watched,

"Mommy?" Bill looked at his mom,

"...Just be careful sweetie." His mother answered, "I don't want you getting hurt."

"Oh come on Genee." Percy sighed, "What's the worst that can happen?"

"I'm just saying, Percy." Genee looked at her husband, "I don't want him running into trouble and getting himself hurt."

"That won't happen, won't it my boy." Percy swooped his son up and ruffed his hair. Bill giggled as he got in the air, his whips vanishing almost instantly.

"Yeah mommy! I'll be fine!" Bill agreed with his dad. Genee simply sighed with no words,

"I hope so." Genee whispered to herself, "Percy, I want to talk to you real quick." She looked at her husband.

"D-Did I do something wrong?" Bill asked, his eye widened with fear as he was placed down by his dad.

"I'm sure it's nothing important." Percy bent over at his son and ruffled his hair again, "it's probably your mother going around saying 'he's such a little boy its dangerous omg'" He mocked her.

"Mommy I am a big boy!" Bill huffed, "I am only four years old!" He held 2 fingers. It wasn't long before Percy made a loud facepalm along with a groan. Genee laughed, "Oh yeah you are a big boy all right." She nodded her head and watched Percy help Bill pull 2 more fingers for accuracy on his age. "I don't see how you aren't." She shook her head with a wide smile, "I just need to talk to your father about something. In the meanwhile, I heard Sartho has been doing nothing recently." She glanced over at the castle and up to a room. "I think he wants to have some fun."

"Then fun will come to him!" And with that the little boy ran off into the castle.

"Allright. What's the excuse this time." Percy stretched as he looked at his wife.

"...Although I do understand why you would train him so young, I don't think you should train him on how to use the whips." Genee had her arms crossed. "Who knows what he will do now that he knows how to use them."

"Oh come now, love. What is he going to do with his-"

"Remember what Bill did after you taught him how to summon his spirit animals?" Genee gave Percy a frown. Percy paused and blinked slowly. He rolled his eye,

"It was only that ti-"

"Or when you taught him how to do the ring of fire?" Genee raised an eyebrow.

"..oh come now it was only the flowers that were burnt."

"..Sweetie." Genee took a deep breath, "Bill is not only a wild one but he's 4 years old." Genee held 4 fingers, "He is going to run around with fire all around his body."

"At least I am training him from now so he knows about it." Percy shrugged, "besides, let him run around. You know as well as I do that he won't be able to play around for long."

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