~Chapter 9~

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You ran in the darkness, hoping for light to be discovered. Followed you not far behind was the black flames. Your feet once again stung with blisters. However that didn't stop you from running on forward. But where were you running to? Pitch black was on your sights, feeling the pure heat of the flames catching up to you fast. Your feet slowed for a second upon realizing of a possibility of running to no where. Taking an advantage, the flames grabbed your feet and causing you to fall on the floor. The flames dragged you away from where you were headed, coursing through your entire body.

"You can run as long as you want.." The same distorted voice rang in your ears, "But you can't run away from me. You never have, and never will."

The flames jerked you up and held you in place. Your eyes stared at a pair of white eyes.

"You can't sleep peacefully as long as I live." The flames spoke, the voice began to grow more clear to you. It was a male speaking to you. A white, wide smile formed after the words were spout. "Neither can you feel safe."

"Wh...What does that mean-" You stopped talking the moment you felt something cover your mouth. The pair of white eyes slowly approached you



Literally centimeters from touching, the eyes went.

"You think just because I didn't show up earlier, it's all over?"

Wait a minute....

that voice sounds....awfully familiar.

"Don't think that just because I am gone, means you're safe."

Your eyes snapped open, your breath hitched for a second. Your skin turned cold, sweat running down your face. Your eyes stared at the windows being lightly pushed by the late nights sky. The time looked to be around 3 am, with the moonlight shining through the room.

And so the nightmares return.

You took an inaudible shaky breath, your hand popping out of the covers. You stared at the long line that lay across your hand, a mark from the black whip.

The man who attacked you and stalked you has black flames.

Your nightmares have black flames.

The flames have a male voice.

There is no doubt that whoever has those eyes, and has the black whip is the one responsible for your nightmares.

But the flames voice sounded awfully familiar.

Who could it be though?

You knew for certain that it wasn't Bill. You would know if it's him then on. Besides, Bill has blue flames not black flames.

So then who would it be?

Bill's friends aren't dream demons, they are ordinary demons so they don't have flames. Your eyes narrowed, trying to figure out the source of the voice.

You have met him before, that's no doubt.

The problem is who...

Your thoughts scattered off when you heard moving from behind you and a familiar arm wrapped around your neck gently.

Your hands held the arm gently, your eyes narrowing and tears threatening to appear.

Why is this happening to me?

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