~Chapter 13~

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It wasn't long before the guards came. They noticed the long pink whip and suspected something is wrong.

So the hang out between friends separated quicker than they met.

And now you're in your room, sitting on the edge of the bed. King Percy wanted to talk to Bill alone. You weren't sure on why but you later heard the King will be speaking with you alone. It could relate to what happened, maybe he wants to know both stories.

You were staring outside through the window in silence while memories of that moment flew in your head.

Your eyes flashed to the moment where she turned to dust by the black flames which tormented you for so long.

What is this man's motive? Who will he be striking next?

What if his eye is on Bill?

Such a thought purged in your head and stayed there. Chills went up your spine and your skin lost color. The thought of this ugly man laying a small finger on him wanted you to strangle this man in his sleep.

You would do anything for this unknown man to have his eye on you rather than Bill.

However, you don't know whether or not if he's dead.

And to make matters worse, he wouldn't leave hints of his arrival.

So how would you know if he attacked already?

It wasn't long before you realized you were trembling. You bit your lower lip, your hands held each other and tears threatened to appear once more.

Let's not think that, and look more into who this man is.

You felt as if you knew this man, truly, you did. The problem is the man's image isn't in your head. However, something was up. Even if you were in an emotional mess, you could tell it was the man by his stare.

His stare was different this time.

It looked familiar in a way, which concerned you.

Whoever has black flames looks familiar by their eyes, and the way they sound.

But the image isn't clicking in your head -

"...Miss (y/n)?"

Hearing the maiden's words snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned your head to see a maid looking at you.

"..King Percy would like to speak to you."

"..Oh...Okay." You nodded, slowly getting up

"Sit back down." You heard another voice behind the maiden call out. That voice was easily recognizable. The Maiden bowed and took off, leaving King Percy to enter the room. He closed the door almost immediately.

"..I thought you were-"

"Talking to my son?" King Percy raised an eyebrow, "I was."

"What happened?"

"He got boring."

Long pause.

"...How can he become 'boring'?" you asked confused.

"He gives off straight answers n stuff." King Percy groaned, "And he kept on giving me all these fake answers."

"..And how would you know if its fake?" You asked , your eyebrow raised.

"..(y/n)." King Percy gave off a dead-panned look. "Is it possible to have my son pull off blue wolves at the man, when you came in drenched in tears and your hands burnt from using your flames too much?"

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